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Animal Histone Modification Analysis

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Platform Workflow Animal Histone Modification Why Choose Us?

ChIP-Seq Analysis Platform

Histone post-translational modifications covalently regulate gene expression in animal. Specific histone modifications targeting single sites have direct and indirect effects on the direction and activity of various cellular processes. BioVenic offers tailored services for analyzing histone modifications in animal epigenetics and transcriptomics, catering to global scientific research users. These services assist customers in studying regulatory elements, interacting promoters and enhancers, and analyzing histone modifications across the entire genome. We extensively utilize Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, next-generation sequencing (Seq), and high-throughput mass spectrometry detection platforms to comprehensively analyze the biological information associated with each modification and to deeply investigate animal epigenetic regulation.

Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of the Regulation of Gene Activity by Histone Methylation. (Jambhekar, et al., 2019) Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of the Regulation of Gene Activity by Histone Methylation. 1

ChIP-Seq Analysis Platform

BioVenic's chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) platform is tailored for scientific users who require in-depth analysis of protein-DNA interactions and their influence on gene expression and cellular function. This platform combines chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays and next-generation sequencing to efficiently map genome-wide histone modifications, including methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination. It provides a powerful tool for in-depth exploration of animal physiological health status and gene regulation in various traits and common diseases.

ChIP-Seq Analysis Workflow

Fig.2 ChIP-Seq Analysis Platform Workflow. (BioVenic Original)

Animal Histone Modification

Modifications Tool Enzymes Analysis Influences
  • Kinase
  • Phosphatase
  • Histone Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation Characterization
  • Histone Phosphorylation Quantification
  • Widely present in animal cells.
  • The key process for chromosome condensation during DNA damage repair, cell proliferation and transcriptional regulation.
  • Occurs on all core histones.
  • Different effects on different types of core histones.
  • Histone methyltransferase (HMT)
  • Arginine demethylase
  • Lysine demethylase
  • Histone Methylation and Demethylation Characterization
  • Histone Methylation Pattern Identification
  • Histone Methylation Quantification
  • HMT Assays
  • The location of occurrence determines the function performed.
  • Arg methylation enhances transcriptional activation, while Lys methylation has a dual effect on the transcriptional process, either activating or repressing it.
  • Regulate chromatin structure and DNA expression.
  • Participate in DNA damage repair.
  • Histone ubiquitin ligase
  • Deubiquitinating enzyme
  • Histone Ubiquitination Characterization
  • Histone SUMOylation Characterization
  • Plays a central role in DNA damage responses.
  • Ubiquitination is tightly regulated.
  • Histone acetyltransferase (HAT)
  • Histone deacetylase (HDAC)
  • Histone Acetylation and Deacetylation Characterization
  • Histone Acetylation Quantification Based on ELISA
  • HAT Assays
  • HDAC Assays
  • Reduces interactions between histones and DNA to relax chromatin and promote transcription.
  • Regulates cell life cycle, division, and apoptosis.
  • Affects cell differentiation, DNA repair and inhibits neuronal excitation and other life activities
  • Global Histone Modification Characterization
  • Region-Specific Histone Modification Characterization
  • ADP-ribosylation, citrullination, biotinylation, malonylation, etc.

Why Choose Us?


Professional technology platforms, a senior epigenetics expert group, and an experienced technical team collaborate to develop an efficient and reliable one-stop solution for you to analyze animal histone modifications.

Advanced Technology Platforms

We employ advanced technologies such as Histone Modification Multiplex Detection, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Sequencing, Western Blotting, and Mass Spectrometry Platform in our histone modification analysis solutions to ensure that the final results meet your R&D requirements.


Our detection and analysis capabilities encompass nearly all types of histone modifications. We tailor the perfect solution to meet your specific needs, offering identification and quantitative analysis of histone modification methods and sites.

Quality Assurance

Multiple rounds of quality testing are integrated into our project process to guarantee the quality and credibility,from the sample processing to final analysis report.

BioVenic has introduced a range of analysis and testing services for animal epigenetic research. We offer histone modification analysis, a popular research focus at the post-transcriptional level, as part of our services. BioVenic provides a detailed and comprehensive display of service content, covering various types of modifications and detection methods from different perspectives. Our services fully meet the scientific research needs in the field of studying the regulation of animal life activities and trait expression through animal histone modifications. Please contact us and collaborate to advance your animal-related research projects!


  1. Jambhekar, Ashwini, Abhinav Dhall, and Yang Shi. "Roles and regulation of histone methylation in animal development." Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 20.10 (2019): 625-641.
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