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Animal Targeted Metabolomics

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Animal Targeted Metabolomics Services One-Stop Solution Flow Chart Platforms Applications Why Choose Us?

Targeted metabolomics refers to a comprehensive omics approach that measures one or a group of specific metabolites, requiring chemical structure analysis and biological function annotation. BioVenic offers targeted quantitative metabolite detection and analysis services that accurately measure the absolute content of metabolites in various animal samples, such as blood, feces, and milk. This technical support enables researchers to perform quantitative analysis of target metabolites or assess specific metabolic activities, leading to a more accurate understanding of the metabolic mechanisms in animals. This provides strong support for further in-depth research and the development of metabolic molecular markers.

Animal Targeted Metabolomics Services

BioVenic offers targeted metabolomics analysis services covering an extensive array of metabolite types in animal organisms. We utilize suitable technology platforms for customized testing and analysis. We integrate metabolomic data with expertise to achieve both relative and absolute quantification of multiple metabolites and further bioinformatics analysis. Please click the following links to learn more about targeted metabolomics services for different types of animal metabolites.

One-Stop Solution for Animal Targeted Metabolomics

BioVenic's standardized technology workflow for end-to-end targeted metabolomics solutions includes efficient sample preparation, well-designed analytical methods, routine quantification of specific metabolites, and metabolomics data analysis software. BioVenic has advanced technology platforms and years of accumulated experience in metabolomics projects. The project implementation process is fully controlled by a professional team composed of experts in metabolomics and physiology. Our goal is to develop next-generation solutions and workflows to assist you accelerate your research in animal metabolomics.

  • Sample Preparation

BioVenic offers an efficient and standardized workflow for processing animal samples and extracting target metabolites for targeted metabolomics analysis.

  • Metabolomics Detection

Mass spectrometers (MS) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, coupled with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), liquid chromatography (LC), or gas chromatography (GC), offer a wide dynamic range, high sensitivity, and excellent selectivity for the detection of specific metabolites.

  • Data Analysis

BioVenic's software system has been established for the targeted metabolomics detection platform, which includes MS data preprocessing, single-dimensional and multi-dimensional statistical analysis, signal analysis, spectrum drawing, and metabolic flow analysis.

  • Absolute Quantification

Combining a comprehensive database of standard metabolites, BioVenic ensures precise quantification and reliable structural identification of target metabolites. We offer customized metabolomics data analysis and pathway analysis and generate comprehensive reports to facilitate further research or application.

Flow Chart of Animal Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Service

Fig.1 Flow Chart of Animal Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Service. (BioVenic Original)

Animal Targeted Metabolomics Platforms

BioVenic has established several targeted metabolomics platforms to meet different research focuses.

Platforms Features Advantages Limitations
NMR Often used for the identification and analysis of simple samples or purified samples.
Suitable for liquid samples such as blood, urine, and body fluids, as well as solid samples such as tissues and organs.
  • Allows for dynamic monitoring of the sample metabolome.
  • Determination without bias.
  • Non-destructive to samples.
  • Fast measurement speed.
  • Low resolution.
LC-MS Commonly used for targeted and non-targeted analysis of water-soluble small molecules such as amino acids, sugar alcohols, amines, organic acids, and macromolecules such as lipids.
  • High resolution.
  • Good experimental repeatability.
  • Wide range of separation and analysis.
  • Simple sample preparation and preprocessing.
  • Limited database coverage.
GC-MS Commonly used for targeted analysis of water-soluble metabolites, lipids, and organic acids.
Used to detect the metabolic flow of glycolysis, TCA cycle, and fatty acid synthesis pathways.
  • High-resolution.
  • Relatively comprehensive database.
  • Mature and stable technology.
  • Complex sample handling
  • Only for volatile compounds
  • Derivatization is required to increase volatility
HPLC-MS The most commonly used method in metabolomic research.
Analytes are retained differently depending on their affinity for the solvent or stationary phase.
Often used for structural elucidation of unknown compounds.
  • High throughput.
  • Separate almost any compound.
  • Many mature protocols available.
  • Requires relatively large amounts of solvent.
  • Memory effect.
  • Solvent effect on MS performance.
  • ESI is sensitive to solvent changes when using ESI/MS.

Animal Targeted Metabolomics Applications

  • Animal Growth and Development

Unraveling metabolic pathways crucial for growth and development, identifying biomarkers for growth potential and nutritional requirements.

  • Animal Nutrition and Metabolism

Assessing nutritional requirements and metabolic responses to dietary interventions, optimizing feed formulations for improved animal health and productivity.

  • Animal Production and Reproduction

Understanding metabolic factors influencing reproductive efficiency and production yields, enhancing breeding programs and livestock management.

  • Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine

Identifying metabolic biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, advancing early veterinary diagnostics and therapy target discovery for animals.

  • Animal Breeding and Genetics

Studying metabolic phenotypes to inform breeding strategies and genetic selection, improving traits related to productivity, disease resistance, and environmental adaptability.

Why Choose Us?

Extraction protocols are customized based on the physicochemical properties and relative abundance of the specific subset of metabolites to be analyzed.

The stable isotope-labeled internal standard incorporated into the sample further controls the drift of instrument performance to ensure the identification and quantification of target metabolites.

A mature and standardized one-stop animal targeted metabolomics solution covering a variety of samples and metabolites.

Technical reproducibility is ensured through parallel testing of multiple sets of repeated samples.

An experienced R&D team focusing on animal targeted metabolomics analysis.

BioVenic is ready to assist you with your animal-targeted metabolomics applications. We assist in the identification and quantification of target metabolic compounds in organisms by creating customized experimental plans tailored to your specific scientific research requirements. Additionally, we offer comprehensive information regarding the content and composition of the desired metabolites. Our comprehensive and systematic high-throughput targeted metabolomics services focus on animal samples and have accumulated years of project experience. BioVenic's professional technical team has excellent capabilities in standardizing and optimizing sample processing, adapting detection parameters, enriching the standard database, and analyzing qualitative, quantitative, and metabolic pathways. At the same time, we equip our services with a stringent quality control system to ensure the reliability and accuracy of delivery data. Please feel free to contact us and personalize your own targeted metabolomics solution.


  1. Blaurock, Janet, et al. "Metabolomics of human semen: a review of different analytical methods to unravel biomarkers for male fertility disorders." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23.16 (2022): 9031.
  2. Roberts, Lee D., et al. "Targeted metabolomics." Current protocols in molecular biology 98.1 (2012): 30-2.
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