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Animal Targeted Sequencing

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Targeted Sequencing Technology Platforms

Targeted sequencing of animals is a common method of genome analysis that utilizes specially designed probes to capture researcher-specific regions of interest in the genome. Captured regions are enriched and sequenced to retrieve and interpret the genetic information contained within them. This process increases research efficiency and reduces costs when studying specific regions within the genome. BioVenic offers comprehensive sequencing services for animal target regions to customers worldwide. These services include material selection, library construction, sequencing, and data analysis. Our sequencing process is efficient and fast, ensuring quick turnaround and high accuracy to meet the target region requirements for all your sequencing projects.

Targeted Sequencing Technology Platforms

  • Multiplex Amplicon Sequencing Platform

BioVenic's multiplex amplicon sequencing platform utilizes multiple PCR primers to amplify and enrich the desired region of interest before sequencing. With this technology platform, we enable the detection of tens to thousands of areas with sizes under tens of kilobytes.

  • Hybrid Capture Sequencing Platform

BioVenic has established cutting-edge microarray and liquid-phase hybridization capture sequencing platforms. This sequencing technology utilizes custom probes to hybridize with genomic DNA in target regions, enriching the DNA in these specific areas, and then conducts DNA sequencing using NGS technology. The technology is capable of detecting a wide range of genomic variants, including SNVs, InDels, CNVs, SVs, and gene fusions, while identifying target genomic regions in animals ranging from a few kilobytes to hundreds of terabytes.

Analytical Services

  • Organizing Raw Data for Statistical Analysis
    Processing raw data to eliminate unwanted portions, polluted sequences, and low-quality readings.
  • Assessment of Sequencing
    Data comparison statistics, sequencing saturation analysis, statistical analysis of sequencing randomness, distribution analysis of reads over reference genes.
  • Detection, Annotation, and Statistics of SNPs and InDels
    Prediction of SNP conservation, statistics on the distribution of SNPs and InDels on each gene's functional elements.
  • Advanced Analysis of Animal Population Information
    Detecting, annotating, and analyzing SNP information from the animal population, quality control of SNP information from the population, analysis of selection, analysis of GO functional annotation and enrichment of KEGG pathways.

Workflow for Animal Targeted Sequencing

Fig.1 Workflow for Animal Targeted Sequencing. (BioVenic Original)

Comparison of Technologies

Methods Animal whole-genome sequencing Animal targeted sequencing
Sequencing coverage Whole genome. Target gene or target region.
Sequencing depth 5-30 x 200 x
With or without reference genome Yes. Reference sequence available for the region to be measured.
Sequencing cost High. Low.
Type of SNP found High Frequency SNP. Low and high frequency SNPs.
Number of samples required Few. Multiple.
Research direction
  • Genetic mapping.
  • QTL localization.
  • GWAS.
  • Population evolution.
  • Varietal resource identification.
  • Molecular marker development for assisted breeding.
  • QTL fine localization based on BSA and coarse localization region.
  • Search for true trait-related functional variants based on GWAS results.
  • GWAS.
  • Population evolution.
  • Varietal resource identification.
  • Molecular marker development for assisted breeding.

Sample Recommendations

In order to guarantee sequencing results are dependable, it is essential that sample quality and reliability are ensured. Specific sample delivery requirements are provided below.

Sample Requirements
Frozen tissue > 100 mg
Cultured cells > 1x107
Whole blood > 1 mL
FFPE > 10 pieces
DNA > 0.8 µg


Genotyping and Marker-assisted Selection

Determining the genotype of individual animals and screening and selecting animals for specific genetic traits.

Animal Genetic Disease Research

Studying and identifying genetic variants associated with specific animal diseases and identifying individuals carrying genetic disease variants.

Population Genetics Research

Determining the genetic diversity, genetic structure, and gene flow of animal populations for conservation of endangered species, management of livestock populations and exploration of adaptive genetic variation.

Animal Genomic Selection for Breeding

Identification of polymorphic loci and functionally related genes or genomic regions and their analysis in conjunction with phenotypic data.

BioVenic provides target sequencing services for animals of all sizes, with flexible experimental techniques and a variety of strategies to choose from. We possess a highly distinctive experimental quality control and analysis system, a team of experienced bioinformatics and genetic analysis experts, and vast experience in animal sequencing and genetic analysis projects. We use this expertise to provide tailored services that can assist you throughout the process. If you're interested in our services, don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Mertes, Florian, et al. "Targeted enrichment of genomic DNA regions for next-generation sequencing." Briefings in functional genomics 10.6 (2011): 374-386.
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