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Ruminant Animal In Vitro Nutrition Model Development

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Background One-Stop Solutions Applications Why Choose Us?

Ruminant animals acquire nutrients from plant-based sources by fermenting them predominantly through microbial processes in their rumen before digestion. The rumen serves as both a storage chamber and a fermentation vessel. Using our integrated technical platforms, BioVenic offers solutions for developing in vitro nutrition models tailored for ruminant animals. These models cater to researchers and can assist in conducting ruminant nutritional studies focusing on cattle, sheep, goats, and various other ruminant species.


The stomach of ruminants consists of four compartments: rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Among these, the rumen plays a central role in microbial fermentation. It harbors a diverse range of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and a limited number of phages. These microorganisms play a critical role in breaking down nutrients present in ruminant feed. By converting them into bacterial proteins, they become a vital source of nutrition for ruminant animals. However, it's important to note that under specific circumstances, rumen microbes can also have negative effects on animals. Therefore, the development of in vitro ruminant fermentation models holds significant importance, contributing to the nutritional well-being and overall health of ruminants. These fermentation models are main models used in ruminant in vitro nutritional studies.

Illustration of a ruminant digestive system (From Wikipedia)Fig. 1 Illustration of a ruminant digestive system1

Ruminant Animal In Vitro Nutrition Model Development One-Stop Solutions

  • Artificial Rumen Fluid Development

Artificial rumen fluid is used to mimic the conditions and functions of the rumen and plays a critical role in the study of the ruminant digestive system. BioVenic provides quality assured artificial rumen fluid development services to ruminant nutrition researchers. Our goal is to develop an artificial rumen fluid that is stable, similar in nutrient content to the animal's rumen, and capable of supporting the fermentation of rumen microorganisms. Our services include compositional design, pH adjustment, and rumen fluid evaluation and optimization.

  • In Vitro Ruminant Fermentation Kinetics Analysis

By monitoring, sampling and analyzing gas production in an in vitro fermentation system in real time, we can understand the kinetics of the fermentation process. BioVenic provides in vitro fermentation kinetics solutions to help researchers explore the dynamics of gases, energy, degradation rates and more, allowing researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the fermentation process.

  • In Vitro Ruminant Fermentation Product Analysis

During in vitro ruminant fermentation, microbial proteins, organic acids, and gases (e.g., carbon dioxide and methane) are gradually produced as the substrate is degraded. Evaluation of these fermentation products is an essential step in in vitro rumen fermentation experiments. With our wide range of analytical platforms, we offer analysis of fermentation products in in vitro rumen models to help you get fast and accurate results.

  • In Vitro Ruminant Fermentation Microbial Research Solutions

In vitro ruminant fermentation models are important tools for studying the microbiome from different sources and for the discovery of new probiotics. BioVenic offers a microbiology platform that allows not only the identification of individual microorganisms, but also the understanding of microbial composition, microbial diversity, comparison of different microbiomes, and microbial functions in in vitro ruminant fermentation models.

Applications of Ruminant Animal In Vitro Nutrition Models

  • Ruminant Microbiota Research

The rumen microbiomes in individual animals vary significantly due to genetic and environmental factors. These diverse microbiomes, in turn, can impact the animals' growth performance and product quality. By culturing rumen microorganisms in an in vitro fermentation model, we can gain insights into their composition across different animals and enhance animal health from a microbial standpoint.

  • Development of Feed Additives

The health of ruminal animals is influenced by numerous nutritional factors, and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from ruminants remains a significant challenge. However, by leveraging ruminant in vitro fermentation models, we can develop of feed additives that target rumen microorganisms. This approach holds great potential for improving the nutritional quality of feed and simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • By-Product Feedstuff Development

Rumen microorganisms possess the remarkable ability to break down various underutilized feedstuffs and by-products, making them invaluable for advancing new feed development. By utilizing in vitro ruminant fermentation models to assess feed degradation rates, we can gain insights into feed characteristics and create innovative feeds that minimize agricultural waste.

  • Feed Optimization

By performing in vitro ruminant fermentation of feeds and testing information such as their degradation rates, we can obtain information on the availability of a particular rumen microbiota to feeds. This helps in feed selection, improved feed processing methods and precise nutritional formulations for specific animals.

  • Mechanism Studies

In vitro rumen fermentation experiments yield mechanistic information that helps explain the connection between feed, rumen microbes, growth performance, and production performance. Comparative assays of in vitro rumen fermentation enable the study of the rumen microbiota in various health and metabolic disorders, offering valuable insights for biomarker discovery.

Table. 1 Applications of Ruminant Animal In Vitro Nutrition Models

Animal Types Substrates/ Additives Aims Indicators Measured
Buffalos Beech extract To explore the in vivo feasibility of F. sylvatica L. leaf extract/fraction as supplements in ruminant nutrition OMD, gas production, pH, VFAs, BCFAs, ammonia-N
Cows Fruit and vegetable pomace To evaluate fermentation characteristics of dried fruit and vegetable pomaces in a short-term in vitro experiment Gas production (CH4 and CO2), IVOMD, SCFA,
Cows Rhodopseudomonas palustris To evaluate the effect of R. palustris on ruminal fermentation of two representative total mixed rations IVDMD, gas production (molar O2, methane, H2, CO2), VFA, microbial crude protein
Lactating cows Fermented alfalfa To assess the effect of additives on alfalfa silage and on in vitro ruminal fermentation when using ruminal inocula from high feed-efficient and low feed-efficient lactating cows IVTDMD, in vitro microbial biomass yield, ammonia-N, VFA
Healthy cows or cows with clinical mastitis B. longum subsp. Longum, R. flavefaciens To verify potential probiotics Digestibility (DM, NDF, ADF, ammonia-N), putrescine, xanthurenic acid, pyridoxal, VFA
Cows Probiotic blend, Ferula elaeochytris To investigate the effect of a direct-fed microbial blend and Ferula elaeochytris on rumen fermentation parameters in vitro under normal and acidosis conditions pH, VFA, ammonia, gas production (methane, CO2), digestibility
Hu sheep Garlic straw To provide a theoretical hypothesis incorporating garlic straw into livestock feed Gas production, DM digestibility, VFAs, microbial community (diversity, functional pathways, etc.)
Goats with low or high Juniperus spp. consumptions Camphor To investigate the impact of 0.00 and 1.97 mM of camphor on the mixed ruminal microorganism fermentation after 0, 1, 2, 4, 12, and 24 h of incubation SCFA, pH, camphor

Why Choose Us?

Complete model building, validation and optimization, and analysis process for your project.

Wide range of technology platforms and product resources to choose from.

Dedicated technical support staff and collaboration with internal and external organizations.

We work together to reduce animal use and increase the value of by-products for a sustainable planet.

BioVenic has built strong connections with many academic and industrial partners. We aim to expand our collaborations with more researchers in the animal nutrition domain, working together to enhance growth performance, sustainability, and animal welfare. Our innovative in vitro ruminant nutrition model development solutions include artificial rumen fluid development, fermentation kinetics analysis, fermentation product analysis, fermentation microbial research solutions, etc., which serve as a remarkable solution in this regard. If you're interested in learning more or wish to connect with us, please contact us.


  1. From Wikipedia:
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