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Veterinary PD-1 Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Background MoA Application Therapeutic Antibody Development Services Why Choose Us?

Background of PD-1

As a significant immune suppressive molecule, targeting PD-1 for immune modulation plays a crucial role in combating companion animal tumors and various other immune-related diseases. BioVenic offers veterinary PD-1 therapeutic antibody development services, covering the complete antibody development process including antibody preparation, screening, purification, characterization, and more, assisting in exploring the potential of PD-1 antibodies in treating companion animal tumors.

Background of PD-1

Full Name Programmed cell death 1
Aliases CD279, PD1, PDCD1, SLEB2.
Target Profile PD-1, a member of the CD28 superfamily, is an immune checkpoint receptor. It can be expressed in various types of immune cells, but is almost absent in unactivated T cells, and only expressed on the surface of T cells upon activation. PD-1 can inhibit T cell function, proliferation, survival, and cytokine production by inducing apoptosis of antigen-specific T cells.

MoA of PD-1

PD-1 plays a prominent role in tumor immune evasion by binding to its ligands, often exploited by tumor cells to resist the immune attack. The binding of PD-1 to PD-L1 leads to the phosphorylation of ITIM and ITSM in the intracellular domain of PD-1, then recruiting SHP-1 and SHP-2. These phosphatases dephosphorylate several key proteins in the T cell antigen receptor signaling pathway, inhibiting downstream pathways like PI3K/AKT and Ras/MAPK/ERK, attenuating T cell proliferation and differentiation, leading to the loss of immune function.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of PD-1/PD-L1 signaling pathways. (Wu, 2021)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of PD-1/PD-L1 signaling pathways.1

Application in Veterinary Therapeutics

As the receptor for PD-1, PD-L1 is expressed in various types of canine tumors, including malignant melanomas, mammary tumors, osteosarcomas, hemangiosarcomas, mastocytomas, histiocytic sarcomas, renal cell carcinomas, lymphomas, and soft tissue sarcomas. Feline has been found to possess an amino acid sequence of PD-1 similar to canine, with increased expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 in chronic infections with feline immunodeficiency virus, feline infectious peritonitis, and certain types of mammary cancer. T-cell inhibition triggered by PD-1/PD-L1 occurs primarily in the tumor environment where local immune cells produce inflammatory cytokines. Utilizing PD-1 antibodies to block the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2 can unleash suppressed tumor-specific T cells, thereby enhancing the immune system's attack on tumor cells in companion animals.

Veterinary PD-1 Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

Blocking the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands can enhance the immune response in companion animals, helping them fight tumors more effectively. BioVenic offers veterinary PD-1 therapeutic antibody development services, including diverse antibody preparation technologies such as hybridoma, single B cell, and phage display techniques, to assist in developing high-quality PD-1 therapeutic antibodies. In addition, we provide characterization and engineering design services for veterinary therapeutic antibodies to optimize antibody affinity and half-life. We have also established a species-specific antibody development platform, improving the compatibility of antibody samples in specific species like canine and feline.

Please click the link below for more information about our veterinary PD-1 therapeutic antibody development services.

Fig.2 A brief view of the veterinary therapeutic antibody development platform and development process. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

Considering species specificity, BioVenic offers antibody caninization/felinization and full canine/feline antibody development services, assisting in the development of species-specific antibodies with higher affinity and lower immunogenicity.

Why Choose Us?

Our antibody engineering services, focusing on affinity and half-life, utilize affinity maturation and Fc engineering modifications to enhance antibody performance.

Why Choose Us?

Strict quality control and diverse analytical testing implemented during the development of veterinary therapeutic antibodies ensure the high purity and safety of the antibody samples.

Malignant cells evade and immortalize immune responses by upregulating immunosuppressive molecules or downregulating immune activation molecules. Blocking the interaction between PD-1 and its ligands can enhance the immune response in animals, more effectively targeting companion animal tumors. BioVenic offers a complete set of veterinary PD-1 therapeutic antibody development services, including species-specific antibody development. If you have a project for the development of veterinary PD-1 therapeutic antibodies, please contact us immediately.


  1. Wu, Qian, et al. "Small molecule inhibitors targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 signaling pathway." Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 42.1 (2021): 1-9.
  2. Igase, Masaya, et al. "A pilot clinical study of the therapeutic antibody against canine PD-1 for advanced spontaneous cancers in dogs." Scientific reports 10.1 (2020): 18311.
  3. Nishibori, Shoma, et al. "Development of anti-feline PD-1 antibody and its functional analysis." Scientific Reports 13.1 (2023): 6420.
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