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Veterinary Virus Neutralization Assay Development

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Veterinary neutralization assays serve to gauge the capacity of antibodies to neutralize viruses, thwarting their invasion of host cells. The contemporary landscape has witnessed a surge in the necessity for veterinary virus neutralization assays, spurred by the rise of novel viral agents impacting animals. As an industry frontrunner, BioVenic is at the forefront of delivering comprehensive veterinary virus neutralization assay development services. Through our expertise, we enable clients to identify and combat diverse viral diseases afflicting animals with precision and efficacy.

Features of Virus Neutralization Assay

  • Virus neutralization assays are highly specific and sensitive, making them ideal for detecting antibodies that neutralize viral pathogens.
  • The assay can detect both homologous and heterologous neutralizing antibodies and is capable of detecting low antibody titers.
  • There are various forms of virus neutralization tests, including plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT), microneutralization test (MNA), and pseudovirus neutralization test.

Schematic illustration of the detection of SARS-CoV-2 using different neutralization assays.Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the detection of SARS-CoV-2 using different neutralization assays.1

Veterinary Virus Neutralization Assay Development Services

BioVenic offers comprehensive veterinary virus neutralization assay development services to support the research and development of vaccines and therapeutics against a wide range of viral pathogens affecting animals. Veterinary virus neutralization assay development requires a comprehensive iterative approach, including careful selection of virus strains, optimization of virus propagation and purification, development of assay formats, and validation using control and field samples. Through these services, BioVenic can provide custom and reliable veterinary virus neutralization assay development services.

BioVenic has experience in developing veterinary virus neutralization assays for a wide range of viral pathogens. The table below lists some of the popular virus options.

MERS-CoV Rabies virus Ebola virus
Marburg virus Rift Valley virus Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Lassa virus Zika virus SARS-CoV-2
Chikungunya virus Nipah virus Chikungunya virus
Pteropine Orthoreoviruses Senecavirus A Newcastle disease virus
Equine arteritis virus Simian immunodeficiency virus Respiratory syndrome virus

Veterinary Virus Neutralization Assay Development Process

Our veterinary virus neutralization assay development process consists of the following major steps.


We work closely with clients to understand their research questions and analytical requirements.

Assay Development

We provide development services and optimize assay conditions, including determining dilution ratios, incubation times, number of washes, substrate concentrations, etc.


We provide clients with detailed reports on analytics performance and recommendations for future analytics optimization.

Veterinary PCR Kit Development Process

Antigen Preparation

Our services help customers select appropriate viral surface antigens and host cell receptors to produce high-quality antigens for the target virus for detection.


Our services help customers validate the assay using positive and negative control samples. And evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, repeatability, and stability of the detection method.


  • Monitoring of viral pathogens infecting animals.
  • Analysis of serotypes of animal viral pathogens.
  • Determination of antibody titers of immune serum in animals infected with viruses.

Why Choose Us?

We optimize the conditions for virus propagation and purification according to virus characteristics

We optimize the conditions for virus propagation and purification according to virus characteristics.

We choose the appropriate virus surface antigen and host cell receptor according to different viruses

We choose the appropriate virus surface antigen and host cell receptor according to different viruses.

We help to determine the optimal dilution ranges for the virus and serum samples used in the assay were determined by multiple trials

We help to determine the optimal dilution ranges for the virus and serum samples used in the assay were determined by multiple trials.

We provide detailed reports of assay performance and recommendations for future assay optimization

We provide detailed reports of assay performance and recommendations for future assay optimization.

At BioVenic, we pride ourselves on our expertise in veterinary virus neutralization assay development. Our customized services, experienced team of scientists, and rapid turnaround time set us apart from our competitors. Contact us today to learn more about the development services.


  1. Lu, Yuying, et al. "Advances in neutralization assays for SARS-CoV-2." Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 94.3 (2021): e13088.
  2. Deng, Cheng-Lin, et al. "Development of neutralization assay using an eGFP Chikungunya virus." Viruses 8.7 (2016): 181.
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