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Animal De novo Sequencing

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Background Workflow Analytical Services Applications Sample Requirements Why Choose Us?

Background of Animal De novo Sequencing

BioVenic specializes in providing sequencing services for animals through advanced sequencing platforms. We offer all-inclusive De novo sequencing and analysis services for animal genomes, with a team that possesses rich project experience and advanced analysis capabilities.

Background of Animal De novo Sequencing

Animal De novo sequencing involves sequencing an animal's genome without relying on any reference sequence information. This method uses the latest bioinformatics techniques for sequence splicing, enabling the acquisition of a species' genome sequence profile, followed by a series of subsequent analyses, such as genome structural annotation, functional annotation, comparative genomics analysis, among others.

Animal De novo Sequencing Workflow

We offer second and third sequencing services for animal De novo sequencing and have extensive project experience. Second-generation sequencing is ideal when you need high-speed, accurate and cost-effective sequencing. Third-generation sequencing produces raw, longer reads useful for sequencing long and complex genomes with structural variants. We help you choose the sequencing technology that best fits your research objectives and domain. The sequencing process includes sample quality control, library construction, sequencing, data quality control and bioinformatics analysis, and the specific workflow is shown below.

Fig.1 Workflow for Animal De novo Sequencing. (BioVenic Original)

Analytical Services

Genome survey Kmer assessment, genome size prediction, heterozygosity prediction, and repetitive sequence prediction.
Genome assembly Multi-software assembly, evaluation of assembly results.
Hi-C-assisted genome assembly Validated data evaluation, contig clustering, ranking and orientation analysis, assembly result evaluation
Genome sequence features GC content Analysis, GC depth analysis, sequencing depth analysis, gene region analysis, auto chromosomal region analysis.
Gene prediction and annotation Coding gene prediction, repetitive sequence annotation and transposable element classification, non-coding RNA annotation, and gene function annotation.
Evolutionary analyses Gene family clustering, phylogenetic tree construction, gene family expansion and contraction analyses, species divergence time extrapolation, LTR formation time estimation, genome-wide replication events, and selection pressure analyses.
Specific biological problem analysis In-depth analysis of a species' biological problems using a combination of histological research methods.


Obtain animal species reference sequences.

Study the origin and evolutionary history of animal species.

Mining animal functional genes.

Build animal species database.

Laying the groundwork for subsequent resequencing to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genetic variants in animal research.

Sample Requirements

Sample Types Requirements
Animal tissue Total fresh weight 2 g.
Cultured cells ≥ 5x106.
Blood (Anticoagulant) Non mammalian blood 1.5 mL, mammalian blood 3 ml.

Why Choose Us?

Animal De novo Sequencing

We offer a mainstream sequencing platform with high-throughput, fast project delivery, and strict implementation of quality control measures to guarantee sequencing accuracy and quality.

Animal De novo Sequencing

Our team possesses extensive expertise in animal genome assembly, ensuring genomes of high quality, a high proportion of valid data in Hi-C chromatin conformation capture technology libraries, and mounting efficiency as high as 99%.

Animal De novo Sequencing

Our specialization lies in offering animal De novo sequencing services, backed by an experienced team of professionals and senior analysts who guarantee excellence in your sequencing results.

BioVenic establishes an advanced sequencing platform, adopts the latest bioinformatics methods, and utilizes the data analysis of professionals to provide one-stop service for De novo sequencing and analysis of animal genomes, which helps researchers to discover the novel genome mystery in animal breeding and animal protection research. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  1. Zorio, Diego AR, et al. "De novo sequencing and initial annotation of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) genome." Genomics 111.3 (2019): 441-449.
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