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Veterinary IL-31 Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Background MoA Application Therapeutic Antibody Development Services Why Choose Us?

Background of IL-31

The enhanced expression of IL-31 plays a significant role in various companion animal diseases, including pruritic diseases like atopic dermatitis, allergies, and inflammatory bowel diseases, and may also impact the prognosis of certain cancers. The use of monoclonal antibodies against IL-31 is becoming an effective approach for treating these diseases. BioVenic offers veterinary IL-31 therapeutic antibody development services, providing comprehensive coverage of the entire antibody development process, including antibody preparation, screening, engineering, and purification, to aid in the treatment of IL-31-related diseases in companion animals.

Background of IL-31

Full Name Interleukin 31
Aliases IL31
Target Profile IL-31, belonging to the IL-6 cytokine family, is primarily produced by CD4+ T cells, especially by activated Th2 cells during specific inflammatory and allergic reactions. It interacts with a heterodimeric receptor composed of IL-31 RA and OSMR β, playing a crucial role in allergic skin diseases in companion animals, causing pruritus and dermatitis.

MoA of IL-31

IL-31 binds to its receptor complex (IL-31RA), which in turn dimerizes with OSMRβ, leading to the activation of three signaling pathways: JAK/STAT, PI3K/AKT, and MAPK-JNK/p38. When IL-31 activates JAK, it leads to the phosphorylation of STAT, which then translocates to the nucleus to promote the transcription of proliferation and pro-inflammatory genes. IL-31 also activates the MAPK pathway, particularly the JNK and p38 subtypes, crucial for responding to environmental stress, cell proliferation, and cell death. Additionally, IL-31 activates the PI3K/AKT pathway, impacting cell survival, proliferation, and metabolic processes, and potentially related to tumor development and progression. For atopic dermatitis, activated pathways further release inflammatory mediators that produce itching, triggering scratching and increased skin breakdown, leading to a vicious itch-scratch cycle.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the major cells involved in IL-31 production and the three intracellular signaling pathways activated by IL-31. (Borgia, 2022) Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the major cells involved in IL-31 production and the three intracellular signaling pathways activated by IL-31. 1

Application in Veterinary Therapeutics

IL-31 is a leading factor causing itching and skin inflammation in companion animals, particularly in canine and feline. Therapeutic antibodies targeting IL-31 can effectively alleviate itchiness and skin symptoms caused by allergic skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, and provide more long-term and effective symptom control. As an inflammatory factor, IL-31 therapeutic antibodies help improve overall skin health and appearance by reducing inflammation. Beyond atopic dermatitis, IL-31 may also contribute to worsening symptoms in some immune-mediated skin diseases, where IL-31 antibodies can be part of a comprehensive treatment plan.

Veterinary IL-31 Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

IL-31 plays a critical role in influencing cell behavior and function, especially in inflammatory responses and skin diseases in companion animals. BioVenic offers veterinary IL-31 therapeutic antibody development services. Our services encompass the entire process, from target identification to antibody design, expression, purification, and functional validation, including the development of species-specific antibodies to ensure high affinity and safety across different species.

For more information about our veterinary IL-31 therapeutic antibody development services, please click the link below.

Fig.2 A brief view of the veterinary therapeutic antibody development platform and development process. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

BioVenic offers one-stop services for veterinary therapeutic antibody development, which begins with the initial gene synthesis and animal immunization work and extends through the antibody preparation, purification, and detailed characterization process.

Taking into account the specificities of various animal species, we offer customized species-specific antibody development services based on the specific needs of each species.

Throughout the veterinary therapeutic antibody development process, we adhere to stringent quality control measures to ensure veterinary therapeutic antibody samples we develop are of high purity and stability.

Canine with atopic dermatitis have elevated serum concentrations of IL-31 compared to the healthy, so the antipruritic effects of a therapeutic antibody targeting the neutralization of canine IL-31 can be taken into consideration. BioVenic provides veterinary IL-31 therapeutic antibody development. Through our integrated, high-quality services, we are committed to helping you explore the potential of IL-31 therapeutic antibodies for the treatment of diseases associated with companion animals. Please feel free to contact us if you have any related development needs.


  1. Borgia, Francesco, et al. "IL-31: State of the art for an inflammation-oriented interleukin." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23.12 (2022): 6507.
  2. Tamamoto‐Mochizuki, Chie, and Thierry Olivry. "IL‐31 and IL‐31 receptor expression in acute experimental canine atopic dermatitis skin lesions." Veterinary Dermatology 32.6 (2021): 631-e169.
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