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Animal Genome Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)

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Workflow One-Stop Solution Technical Advantages Sample Requirements Why Choose Us?

Animal GBS Service Workflow

Genotyping by animal genome sequencing (GBS) is a method of genotyping that entails sequencing particular sites in the animal genome that are selectively cleaved by restriction enzymes, followed by sequencing the resulting DNA fragments. By analyzing the sequence order, researchers can obtain DNA sequences from multiple loci to examine genetic relationships between samples and individual genotypes. GBS technology allows researchers to control the range of sequences captured by adjusting the number of tags required to capture cleavage sites based on their research goals. Genetic maps based on GBS can simplify the genome, reduce data volume, save costs, and are especially suitable for large-scale research. BioVenic offers animal genome sequencing and genotyping (GBS) services, utilizing state-of-the-art genome sequencing technology and expert analysis processes to deliver comprehensive genetic diversity information and genotyping analysis. We can efficiently identify numerous marker points, targeting crucial regions of the animal genome, thereby ensuring high-quality test results.

Animal GBS Service Workflow

Animal GBS service comprises five core elements: sample preparation, library assemble, sequencing, data analysis and diversity analysis. These stages may differ depending on the restriction endonucleases (REs), NGS platforms, and research goals used.

Fig.1 Workflow of Animal GBS Service. (BioVenic Original) Fig.1 Workflow of Animal GBS Service.

Animal GBS One-Stop Solution

Sample preparation DNA Extraction. High quality genomic DNA was extracted from animal samples using appropriate DNA extraction methods.
DNA concentration and quality assessment. Determine the concentration and purity of DNA by spectrophotometer or fluorescence colorimetry to ensure the quality and suitability of the samples.
Library assembly DNA fragmentation. Genomic DNA is fragmented by cutting DNA using restriction endonuclease or selective endonuclease.
Adapter linkage. Adapters are added to the end of the cut DNA fragments, usually containing specific sequences for sample identification and subsequent analysis.
Sequencing and data generation High-throughput sequencing.
Data analysis Data QC. Quality control of sequencing data, including removal of low-quality reads and filtering of sequences containing unknown bases
Sequence alignment. Using bioinformatics tools to align sequenced fragments with reference genomes or transcriptomes to determine the position of each fragment in the genome.
Variation detection. Detection of genetic variations such as SNPs and Indel between individual samples through comparison results.
Genotype analysis Determine the genotype of each individual sample at each locus.
Functional locus annotation. Functional annotation of detected genetic variants to predict potentially influential functional loci and gene functions.
Diversity analysis Familial relationship and parentage analysis. Determine kinship and family structure among individuals.
Population genetics studies. Study genetic structure, genetic drift and genetic flow between populations and assess the genetic diversity of populations.
Evolutionary biology research. Study evolutionary relationships, population history and adaptive evolution of species.
Identify functional loci. Identify genetic variation of functional significance

Technical Advantages

Wide Species Range

Studies can be performed with or without reference genomes.

Short Turnaround Time

Results can be obtained in 2-4 months.

Minimal Sample Requirement

Only 300 ng of DNA is required for a single sample.

Low Investment Required

This method is ideal for research on very large sample sizes as the amount of data required for the study is low.

Detection of Highly Variable Regions

Identifying areas in the genome that exhibit high variability, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and insertions/deletions (Indels).

Sample Requirements

Sample Types Requirements
DNA Sample Total amount: ≥ 1.0 µg, concentration: ≥ 30 ng/µl.
Cell Sample Total volume: ≥ 1X107.

Why Choose Us?

BioVenic offers personalized animal GBS services with significant technical advantages.

Our endonuclease library has over ten types of restriction endonucleases, including MseI, EcoRI, NlaIII, HaeIII, etc. Through bioinformatics evaluation, we can select the most fitting restriction endonuclease for different species and scientific purposes.

We provide customized experimental solutions. Ensure that the sequencing quality Q30 is above 85%, the enzyme's capture efficiency is above 95%, and the captured enzyme section on the chromosome is uniformly distributed.

Our sequencing technology provides extensive animal genome coverage and captures a substantial amount of data.

BioVenic promises to deliver quickly and offer great support for animal genome genotyping by sequencing service. Our team of professionals will collaborate with you to tailor an analytical solution that matches your research requirements in the field of animal research. If you are interested in our animal GBS service, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Peterson, Gregory W., et al. "Genotyping-by-sequencing for plant genetic diversity analysis: a lab guide for SNP genotyping." Diversity 6.4 (2014): 665-680.
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