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Marker-assisted Selection in Animal Breeding

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Background of MAS in Animal Breeding

Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is an animal breeding strategy that uses molecular DNA markers closely related to the target traits. This technique allows indirect selection of the desired traits. MAS has several advantages, including shortening the generation interval, increasing selection intensity, and improving selection accuracy and efficiency. In addition, MAS selection is not limited by elements such as time, environment, age, and other characteristics. As a result, it is suitable for early selection of target varieties. MAS is most successful for traits with low heritability, limited traits, and some traits that are difficult to measure. BioVenic provides comprehensive marker-assisted selection services for animal breeding, including genotyping and marker selection data analysis, by virtue of our advanced technology platform and competent team.

Fig.1 Visual Overview of Marker-assisted Selection in the Context of Animal Breeding. (BioVenic Authorized)Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of Marker-assisted Selection in Animal Breeding. (BioVenic Authorized)

Featured MAS Services

BioVenic takes advantage of linkage analysis between phenotypic traits and markers to determine the location and effect of QTL on chromosomes, which in turn enables the accurate orientation of trait-related genes and subsequent selection of breeding animals.

Sample preparation Population types: F1, F2, BC, etc.
Population size > 150
DNA extraction and purification We offer DNA extraction and purification services and kits.
Sequencing Sequencing method Sequencing depth
Whole genome sequencing (reference genome required) Parents ≥ 15 ×
Offspring ≥ 5 ×
Genotyping and molecular marker screening Commonly used molecular marker is SNP.
SNP detection, annotation, typing, and screening.
Genetic map construction We arrange molecular markers in a linear format to construct marker chain maps. The saturation of these maps is crucial for precise gene localization.
QTLs mapping Marker-QTL linkage analysis and QTL localization. We help establish the linkage between molecular markers and target genes (including simple traits and QTL) and locate the genes on chromosomes.
Breeding animal selection Estimate effect values of QTL and genetic parameters. Effect values and breeding values are estimated using the MA-BLUP model. Our selection index formula enables researchers select individuals with target traits according to the prediction results.

Fig.2 Process Flow of Marker-assisted Selection in Animal Genetics. (BioVenic Original)Fig.2 Workflow of Marker-assisted Selection in Animal Breeding. (BioVenic Original)

Trouble Shooting in MAS

  1. Linkage of genetic markers to quantitative trait loci (QTL).
  2. Quantity and impact of QTL.
  3. Accuracy of estimated QTL effects.
  4. Heritability of traits of interest.
  5. Population size.
  6. Number of generations selected.
  7. DNA polymorphism among parents.

Applications of MAS in Animal Breeding

  • DNA marker assays for halothane (HAL) and estrogen receptor (ESR) genes have been used in breeding practices to select important quantitative trait loci (QTL) for swine carcass traits.
  • Dairy breeding researchers are able to choose animals based on their DGAT1 genotype to modify milk fat content and, to some degree, milk protein content.
  • Breeding for disease resistance in animals. Screening a considerable number of samples can identify genes resistant to a specific disease, providing a means to differentiate between susceptible and resistant lines.
  • The identification of potential molecular markers within the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) can help improve stress and stress responses in South African Merino goats and subsequently improve animal welfare and production.

Why Choose Us?

BioVenic provides comprehensive, competitive, and innovative support for all stages of your animal breeding workflow and product development. This is made possible by our advanced animal MAS technology analysis platform and expert animal breeding team. As your reliable and trustworthy partner, we offer various of products and services.

MAS services related sequencing and genotyping.

One-stop and tailored MAS data analysis services based on your demands.

Professional scientific team experienced in animal breeding research products and services for years.

Value on quality first and customer centered.

BioVenic offers MAS services either as standalone projects or as part of larger development projects on behalf of clients. Our objective is to exceed your expectations by providing precise and dependable MAS services. If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.


  1. Williams J. The use of marker-assisted selection in animal breeding and biotechnology. International Office of Epizootics. 2005,24(1).
  2. Cloete S., et al. Exploration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to improve animal welfare by means of genetic selection: lessons from the South African Merino. Animals, 2013,3(2).
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