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Veterinary IL-33 Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Background MoA Application Therapeutic Antibody Development Services Why Choose Us?

Background of IL-33

IL-33 is pivotal in many immune-mediated and allergic diseases, including asthma, atopic dermatitis, and autoimmune disorders. In veterinary medicine, targeting IL-33 offers promising avenues to alleviate the clinical symptoms of these diseases. BioVenic provides the development service for veterinary IL-33 therapeutic antibodies, leveraging diverse technology supplies and covering the entire development process to explore the therapeutic applications of IL-33 antibodies.

Background of IL-33

Full Name Interleukin 33
Aliases C9orf26, DVS27, IL1F11, NF-HEV, NFEHEV.
Target Profile IL-33 is a member of the IL-1 family, expressed in the nuclei of endothelial and barrier tissue epithelial cells and released upon cellular damage or infection. As the alarmin and inflammatory mediator, it induces the secretion of type II cytokines from immune cells such as helper T cells, mast cells, eosinophils, and basophils, playing a crucial role in allergic, fibrotic, infectious, and chronic inflammatory diseases.

MoA of IL-33

When IL-33 binds to its receptor IL-33R, it induces a conformational change in IL-33R, which then recruits IL-1RAcP, forming an activated receptor complex. This complex further attracts downstream signaling proteins like MyD88 and TRAF6, initiating the activation of IL-1R-associated kinases IRAK-1/4 and triggering a cascade of signal transduction. This process includes the activation of MAPK, ERK, p38, JNK, and the IKK complex, leading to the activation of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-κB. The activated AP-1 and NF-κB synergistically induce the transcription of a variety of cytokines and chemokines, initiating cellular responses that affect the cell's inflammatory reaction and immune regulation.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of IL-33 signaling pathways. (Yi, 2022) Fig.1 Schematic diagram of IL-33 signaling pathways. 1

Application in Veterinary Therapeutics

IL-33 plays a pivotal role in many immune-mediated and allergic diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, and autoimmune disorders. In canine atopic dermatitis, the transcription levels of IL-33 are significantly higher in the affected skin compared to the healthy skin of canines, indicating IL-33's involvement in the chronic dermatitis of this condition. Targeting IL-33 with therapeutic antibodies can specifically block its interaction with the receptor, thus inhibiting the inflammation and immune responses mediated by IL-33, holding promise for treating related diseases in companion animals.

Veterinary IL-33 Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

IL-33 is crucial in cellular stress or injury responses, activating pathways involving multiple key proteins and transcription factors. This complex signaling network underscores the diversity and significance of IL-33 in cellular responses, laying the theoretical foundation for therapeutic interventions targeting IL-33. BioVenic has established a platform for the development of veterinary IL-33 therapeutic antibodies, optimizing the entire development process. Techniques such as hybridoma, single B cell, and phage display are employed in antibody preparation. In addition, we provide antibody characterization services covering structural and functional aspects and offer antibody engineering services, including antibody caninization/felinization and Fc engineering, to enhance the safety and therapeutic effectiveness of antibodies for companion animals.

Please click the link below for more information about our veterinary IL-33 therapeutic antibody development services.

Fig.2 A brief view of the veterinary therapeutic antibody development platform and development process. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

BioVenic offers comprehensive services for the development of veterinary therapeutic antibodies, covering from antigen preparation and animal immunization to antibody production, tailored to meet specific needs.

Why Choose Us?

We pay particular attention to the immunogenicity, affinity, and half-life of antibodies, optimizing their therapeutic performance through professional antibody engineering technologies while minimizing potential immune reactions.

Why Choose Us?

Our team implements strict quality management throughout the development process of veterinary therapeutic antibodies, ensuring stability and batch consistency for optimal therapeutic effectiveness.

Through its role in activating related signaling pathways, IL-33 regulates immunity and inflammatory responses in allergic diseases, autoimmune diseases, and inflammation-related disorders in the immune systems of companion animals. BioVenic offers services for the development of veterinary IL-33 therapeutic antibodies, providing support throughout the development process. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us!


  1. Yi, Xue-Mei, et al. "Signaling and functions of interleukin-33 in immune regulation and diseases." Cell Insight 1.4 (2022): 100042.
  2. Asahina, Ryota, et al. "Expression of IL‐33 in chronic lesional skin of canine atopic dermatitis." Veterinary Dermatology 29.3 (2018): 246-e91.
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