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Veterinary Therapeutic Bispecific Antibody Development

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Bispecific Antibody Development Services Chemical Conjugation Hybrid-Hybridoma (Quadroma) Technology Genetic Engineering Bispecific Antibody Affinity Assays Species-Specific Bispecific Antibody Development Why Choose Us?

Bispecific antibodies, with two unique antigen-binding sites, selectively recognize and bind to two different antigens or antigenic epitopes. This capability allows bispecific antibodies to guide interactions between different cells or molecules, providing a more flexible approach to disease treatment. BioVenic offers services for the development of veterinary bispecific antibodies, leveraging various technologies to assist in advancing the field of animal health.

Veterinary Bispecific Antibody Development Services

Services Description Advantages Limitations
Veterinary Bispecific Antibody with Fc Regions The traditional antibody structure is maintained, with two Fab regions and one Fc region.
Including "knob into hole" KiH, CrossMab, ortho-Fab IgG, DVD IgG, two in one IgG.
  • Fc region-mediated effector functions preserved, such as CDC and ADCC.
  • Fc fragments contribute to antibody purification.
  • Higher solubility and stability.
  • Longer half-life.
  • Higher relative molecular mass.
  • May trigger an immune response.
  • Requires more engineering and production steps.
Veterinary Bispecific Antibody without Fc Regions The Fc region is missing, consisting of the VH and VL regions of both antibodies or Fab fragments.
Including BiTE, TandAbs, DART, dock-and-lock (DNL), bi-nanobody.
  • Higher yield.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Ability to avoid light and heavy chain mismatches.
  • High tumor tissue permeability.
  • Lack of ADCC and CDC.
  • Shorter half-life.

Chemical Conjugation

Chemical conjugation is the process of linking two complete IgG or F(ab')2 antibody fragments through chemical reactions, creating bispecific antibodies. Different antibody structures or formats can be generated through chemical conjugation to produce bispecific fragments, full-length antibodies, or combinations thereof using various starting materials and conjugation strategies. BioVenic provides suitable cross-linkers for veterinary therapeutic antibody conjugation and designs customized chemical conjugation schemes, taking into account factors such as starting materials, types, and amounts of cross-linkers.

Hetero-bifunctional Reagents
  • SPDP (succinimidyl-3(2-pyridylthiol) propionate)
  • Traut's reagent (2-iminothiolane) and Sulpho-SMCC (sulpho-[succinimidyl-4-(N-maleimidomethyl)-4-cyclohexane-1-carboxylate])
Homo-bifunctional Reagents
  • DTNB (5,5-dithio-bis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid)
  • ο-PDM (ο-phenylenedimaleimide)

Hybrid-Hybridoma (Quadroma) Technology

BioVenic offers veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody development services based on the quadroma technology. The bispecific quadroma approach involves fusing two different hybridoma cells to create a quadroma cell line that expresses the desired bispecific antibody. BsAbs produced by quadroma cells are similar to traditional antibodies, exhibiting a longer half-life and retaining Fc-mediated effector functions like ADCC and CDC. Since quadromas express randomly assembled heavy and light chains from two different immunoglobulins, other antibody combinations may also be generated. BioVenic employs the fusion of hybridoma cells from different species or modifies two CH3 domains using the "knobs-into-holes" (KiH) method to facilitate the correct assembly of veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibodies. Based on the KiH structure, we utilize chain exchange to swap CH1 and CL in the Fab region by "Crossmab" technology to reduce light chain mismatch.

Cell Fusion
  • FEG fusion.
  • Electrofusion.
Desired Quadroma Selection
  • Chemical selection-Utilizing HAT medium.
  • Fluorescence-activated cell sorting. (FACS)
Specific Antibody Screening
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (ELISA)
  • Flow cytometry.
  • Cytotoxicity assays-Chromium release test, LDH assay.
Stable Cell Line Establishment
  • Limiting dilution analysis.
Antibody Purification
  • Affinity chromatography.
  • Ion-exchange chromatography.
  • Size-exclusion chromatography.
Antibody Purity Characterization
  • Isoelectric focusing.
  • Western blotting.
  • Isotype-specific ELISA.
  • T-cell proliferation.

Genetic Engineering

Bispecific antibodies for veterinary therapeutic use can also be prepared by genetic engineering techniques, a method that offers a very high degree of flexibility. The preparation principle involves the use of genetic engineering techniques to modify traditional antibodies, resulting in various forms of bispecific antibodies. BioVenic has established the genetic engineering platform, utilizing recombinant DNA technology to assist in veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody development.

Origin of Binding Sites Species-specific veterinary therapeutic antibodies.
Antibody Composition Size, valency, isotype, presence or absence of Fc regions.
Antibody Expression Prokaryotic or eukaryotic expression systems.
  • scFv Preparation

BioVenic offers single-chain fragment variable (scFv) preparation services, including the construction of scFv libraries, screening, and expression (E. coli, yeast, or HEK293 cell expression system). scFv is a fusion protein composed of the variable regions of both heavy and light chains of an antibody, preserving the original antibody's specificity to the antigen. Our skilled professionals utilize genetic engineering techniques to prepare bispecific T cell engagers (BiTE) and scFv-IgG composed of scFv.

Fig.1 scFv preparation process. (BioVenic Original)

Bispecific Antibody Affinity Assays

BioVenic offers diverse affinity assays for veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibodies, evaluating their ability to bind to two different targets. We employ various techniques to quantify the binding strength and kinetics between the antibody samples and their targets, aiming to select veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody samples with high affinity for you.

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Biological Layer Interferometry (BLI)

Species-Specific Bispecific Antibody Development

To enhance the compatibility of veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibodies in specific animals and reduce the immunogenicity caused by heterologous components, BioVenic offers the service for species-specific bispecific antibody development. Utilizing CDR grafting, we select the framework regions of antibodies from the target species as templates and recombine them with the original antibody's CDRs to create the initial version of the species-specific antibody. BioVenic further optimizes the modified antibodies to ensure that their affinity and specificity to the targets remain intact. By analyzing the antibody sequences and structures, we identify critical amino acid residues that need back mutations. These original antibody residues are then incorporated into the bispecific antibodies post-CDR grafting through back mutation.

Why Choose Us?

Diverse veterinary therapeutic bispecific technology platforms give you the freedom of development choice.

No matter what structure of veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody development we have the solution for you.

Full-process services, from preparation, expression to purification, escort you in every step of the development process.

Therapeutic bispecific antibodies are one of the hot topics of the moment, and their introduction into the veterinary field has brought new possibilities for veterinary drug design and animal disease treatment, advancing the progress of animal health. BioVenic provides veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody development services, relying on experienced professionals and advanced technology platforms so that you have a satisfactory experience. If you need help in veterinary therapeutic bispecific antibody development, please do not hesitate to contact us now!

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