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Animal Feed Prebiotics Development

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Common Animal Feed Prebiotics Production and Characterization In Vitro Study In Vivo Evaluation Mechanism Study Development Workflow Why Choose Us?

Prebiotics are crucial for the nutrition of livestock and companion animals. BioVenic provides comprehensive solutions for the development of animal feed prebiotics, facilitating research into their diverse characteristics and effects. Our services encompass production and characterization, in vivo and in vitro studies, mechanism exploration, and finished product development and evaluation.

Solutions for Common Animal Feed Prebiotics

We offer end-to-end development solutions for commonly used animal feed prebiotics, covering aspects such as production, effect evaluation, and mechanism studies to enhance their application in various animal diets.


Derived primarily from chicory root, inulin boosts animal health and productivity by modulating gut microorganisms, enhancing immunity, and promoting mineral absorption. Our tailored solutions cater to the specific development needs of inulin-based prebiotics.

Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS)

FOS are widely used in animal nutrition. Optimal formulation and dosage are critical. Our comprehensive solutions analyze the effects of FOS on animals and support the development of effective prebiotic formulations.

Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS)

GOS are synthesized through β-galactosidase transgalactosylation. Our advanced technologies help researchers investigate the impact of GOS on the animal gut microbiota, aiding in the development of GOS as a potent prebiotic.

Malto-Oligosaccharides (MOS)

MOS are glucose-derived oligosaccharides commonly found in nutritional and functional foods. We offer various development solutions for MOS in animal feed.

Xylooligosaccharides (XOS)

XOS, composed of xylose units linked by β-(1→4) bonds, have diverse applications. Our solutions include techniques to characterize and develop XOS as effective animal feed prebiotics.


Polysaccharides from various sources hold prebiotic potential. Our research focuses on studying their probiotic benefits through in vivo and in vitro methods, expanding their use in animal feed.

Production and Characterization of Animal Feed Prebiotics

  • Production of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Different prebiotics require distinct production methods such as chemical extraction and bio-enzymatic preparation. Our solutions enhance yield by optimizing production conditions and utilizing specific enzymes and microbial strains.

  • Characterization of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Determining a prebiotic's source, purity, chemical composition, and structure is crucial. Utilizing multiple analytical platforms, we offer comprehensive characterization services for various prebiotics.

Fig. 1 Prebiotic selection criteria (BioVenic Original)Fig. 1 Prebiotic selection criteria

In Vitro Study of Animal Feed Prebiotics

  • In Vitro Prebiotic Efficacy of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Our tests examine prebiotics' growth-promoting effects on beneficial bacteria and their pathogen inhibitory actions. We also explore their antioxidant properties to better understand their mechanisms.

  • In Vitro Digestion of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Using oral and gastrointestinal digestion models, we simulate digestive conditions to study the performance of prebiotics before and after digestion.

  • In Vitro Fermentation of Animal Feed Prebiotics

By using prebiotics as a carbon source, we investigate their effects on animal gastrointestinal microbiota. This includes studying fecal or digesta inoculum and exploring synbiotics development potential.

In Vivo Evaluation of Animal Feed Prebiotics

We provide comprehensive in vivo evaluation services, including a variety of animal models, feed analyses, and microbiota assessments. This helps determine prebiotic dosages, effects, and mechanisms of action in different animal applications.

Mechanism Study of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Our services extend to high-throughput omics methods, examining the microbiome, proteome, and metabolome to uncover prebiotics' mechanisms and identify potential biomarkers.

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Table. 1 Mechanisms of action of prebiotics1

Type of Prebiotics Structure Mechanisms of Action
Fructans (Inulin and Fructooligosaccharides, FOS) Fructosyl-fructose β (2X1) glycosidic bonds (FOS DP 2–9; inulin DP 2–60)
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium (especially B. longum subsp. Longum, B. pseudocatenulatum, B. bifidum and B. adolescentis) growth
  • ↑ SCFAs production
  • Act indirectly as a scavenger of ROS, thanks to the action of SCFAs and can stimulate the activity of the glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) of antioxidant enzymes.
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) Commercially produced by the enzymatic activity of β-galactosidase transferase on lactose (DP 2–8). It is a galactose polymer with a terminal β-linked glucose monomer
  • ↑ Bifidobacterium and fecal Bifidobacteria concentration growth.
  • Can modulate immune function: ↑ Cytokine IL-10, interleukin 8 (IL-8) and C-reactive protein, improve Natural Killer (NK) cell activity, and ↓ IL-1β expression.
  • Improve lipid metabolism.
  • Enrich the mouse microbiota of Alloprevotella, Bacteroides, and Parasutterella.
Lactulose Synthetic disaccharide Galactose–fructose β (1–4)-linked At a low dosage (2–3 g/day), ↑ Bifidobacterium count, but not Lactobacilli, and determines a low production of SCFAs; 5 g/day determines the correct balance among the microbial population (Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli and Anaerostipes) and SCFAs production, while 10 g/day ↓ butyrate production and ↑ acetate.
Lactobionic acid A gluconic acid bonded to a galactose
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium growth.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties, ↓ obesity and improves metabolic parameters.
Xilooligosaccharides (XOS) Xylose units linked by β (1–4) bonds, with a DP of 2 to 10
  • ↑ Bifidobacteria (especially Bifidobacterium lactis and Bifidobacterium adolescentis), Lactobacilli and butyrate fecal concentrations.
  • ↓ Clostridium growth.
  • No changes in lactobacilli counts, stool pH and SCFAs production.
Arabinooligosaccharides (AOS) α (1–6)-linked backbone of L. Arabinosyl residues, which can be single- or double-substituted with α (1–2)- and/or α (1–3)-linked L-arabinosyl residues
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium growth.
  • Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Desulfovibrio.
  • ↑ Production of acetate that determines a decrease in pH, probably contributing to the amelioration of inflammation and prevention of flare-ups in UC patients.
Soybean oligosaccharides Tri, tetra or pentasaccharide galactose–sucrose α (1–6)-linked
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium growth.
  • Clostridia and Bacteroidetes.
  • ↑ Immunological functions.
Isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) Gluco-oligosaccharides, with an α (1–6) bond and DP between 2 and 10 (di-, tri- and tetrasaccharides)
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium, Akkermansia, and Roseburia growth.
  • Improve Firmicutes / Bacteroidetes and Prevotella / Bacteroidetes ratios.
  • Show positive effects on visceral adipose tissue, on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and on lipid and glycemic control, improving insulin, glucagon and leptin levels.
Resistant starch Glucose polysaccharides consisting of amylose (α (1–4) bonds) and amylopectin (α (1–6) bonds)
  • ↑ Bifidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Akkermansia and Allobactum species.
  • ↑ SCFAs production.
Glucomannan Mannose and glucose at a molar ratio of 1.6:1, with little residues of galactose or acetyl groups
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium growth.
  • Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia Coli growth.
  • ↑ SCFAs production.
  • ↓ Cecal pH value.
  • Improves blood cholesterol, glycemia and reduces constipation.
Psyllium Highly branched and gel-forming arabinoxylan, a polymer rich in arabinose and xylose
  • Fecalibacterium and Phascolarctobacterium growth, associated with SCFAs production.
  • Christensenella, associated with hard stools.
  • ↑ Butyrate fecal concentration.
Polyphenols Hydroxylated aromatic rings or phenol rings
  • ↑ Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium Akkermansia, Roseburia and F. Prausnitzii growth.
  • Clostridium growth.
  • Offset Helicobacter Pylori-inhibiting urease.
  • Inhibit pro-inflammatory mediators: cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2), IL-6, TNF-α, NFkB and VEGF.
  • Reduce serum triacylglycerol and C- reactive protein.

Development Workflow of Animal Feed Prebiotics

Fig. 2 Development workflow of animal feed prebiotics (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

Our customized solutions cater to various prebiotics, enhancing their development and application for animals.

We offer a broad range of in vivo and in vitro models, enabling comprehensive research and application potential.

With extensive experience in animal nutrition and probiotic development, our team quickly addresses your needs with feasible solutions.

Combining multiple analytical, testing, and development platforms, BioVenic provides one-stop solutions to the challenges in developing animal feed prebiotics. Our services cover production, characterization, in vitro and in vivo evaluations, mechanism research, and finished product development. For any research needs in animal feed prebiotics, please contact us to discuss your plan.


  1. Guarino, Michele Pier Luca et al. "Mechanisms of Action of Prebiotics and Their Effects on Gastro-Intestinal Disorders in Adults." Nutrients vol. 12,4 1037. 9 Apr. 2020. under Open Access license CC BY 4.0. Selected parts of the original content.
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