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Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis

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Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Services Workflow Why Choose Us?

Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Services

The life of an animal depends on specific, purposeful interactions with other molecules. This purposeful interaction enables various processes within cells and animal organisms. Among all types of molecular interactions, protein-DNA interactions are particularly important. Currently, with the advancement of experimental techniques, a variety of methods have made it easier to identify and study this interaction. BioVenic offers comprehensive and reliable solutions for protein-DNA analysis in scientific research projects focused on molecular interactions. We have extensive experience in animal related research, and the experimental results are consistently stable and reliable.

Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of Protein-DNA Interaction Research Technology. (Ferraz, et al., 2021) Fig.1 Schematic Diagram of Protein-DNA Interaction Research Technology. 1

Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Services

BioVenic has established several cutting-edge platforms for precise protein-DNA interaction analysis. From ChIP-seq and methylation interference assays to CRISPR-ChAP-MS, our technologies offer comprehensive insights into genome dynamics, enabling groundbreaking research in animal molecular epigenetics.

  • ChIP-seq Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Platform

We utilize the chromatin immunoprecipitation technology platform (ChIP) to investigate protein-DNA interactions in animals, providing a comprehensive reflection of the binding status of target proteins and DNA sequences. The ChIP technology platform mainly includes ChIP-qPCR and ChIP-seq. ChIP-qPCR is utilized to validate known DNA fragments that bind to target proteins, whereas ChIP-seq is employed in conjunction with next-generation sequencing to identify unknown DNA fragments that bind to target proteins. BioVenic combines PCR amplification library technology, sonication, ChIP-seq and bioinformatics data processing to comprehensively solve customers' scientific research problems in the interaction between DNA molecules and proteins.

  • DNA Competitive Assay Platform

BioVenic adds an excessive amount of unlabeled competitor DNA to the DNA-protein binding reaction system to compete for binding with transcription factor proteins. We then use gel autoradiography to visualize the state of the free probe. This technology platform is suitable for identifying the exact sequence location where transcription factor proteins bind to DNA.

  • Methylation Interference Assay Platform

BioVenic has developed and designed methylation interference solutions for studying the interaction between animal proteins and DNA, as well as for detecting the impact of preferential methylation of G residues in target DNA on protein binding. This technology platform provides customers with more detailed and comprehensive insights into the interaction patterns between DNA and proteins.

  • Southwestern Blot Hybridization Analysis Platform

BioVenic has extensive expertise in Southern blot hybridization detection technology, which is widely utilized in numerous projects within the fields of molecular genetics and molecular biology. Through this technology platform, scientific researchers can easily quantitatively study the properties of DNA-binding proteins. Simultaneously, the platform can be utilized in combination with other technologies to comprehensively analyze the interaction codes between DNA and proteins.

  • CRISPR-ChAP-MS Analysis Platform

BioVenic is launching a cutting-edge protein-DNA interaction research platform that is based on CRISPR-based chromatin affinity purification and mass spectrometry. This emerging technology provides precise visualization of complexes that are dynamically and functionally involved in specific chromatin sites.

Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Workflow

Fig.2 Animal Protein-DNA Interaction Analysis Platforms Workflow. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

One-stop Service

BioVenic completes the entire service process, including sample preparation, library preparation, computer sequencing, and data analysis.

Quality Control

Strict quality control is essential for the success of the Protein-DNA Interaction analysis experiment. BioVenic conducts rigorous quality control on all aspects of experiments to minimize experimental risks as much as possible.

Optimized Process

ChIP enrichment efficiency is crucial for the success of ChIP-seq, and BioVenic utilizes commercial ChIP kits and optimized experimental processes to ensure that customers obtain high-quality data.

Professional Bioinformatics Analysis

BioVenic boasts a robust bioinformatics team capable of fulfilling a wide range of in-depth data analysis requirements for customers.

In animal epigenetics, the interaction between DNA and proteins is closely related to gene transcription, spatial configuration, and chromatin conformation. BioVenic analyzes data obtained from high-throughput sequencing for customers by enriching bound DNA fragments, purifying, and constructing libraries using specific antibodies with histone-specific modifications or DNA-binding proteins, or transcription factor-specific antibodies. BioVenic enables users to acquire genome-wide relationships between specific histones or transcription factors with types of modifications and animal genomic DNA sequences. We also allow for the comparison of differences between multiple samples. Please feel free to contact us for highly customized and reliable solutions for protein-DNA interaction analysis.


  1. Ferraz, Ricardo André Campos, et al. "DNA–protein interaction studies: a historical and comparative analysis." Plant Methods 17.1 (2021): 1-21.
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