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Species-Specific Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Antibody Caninization and Felinization Fully Canine and Feline Antibody Development Why Choose Us?

Therapeutic antibody application in animals often requires consideration of species specificity, as the immune systems of different species respond uniquely to antigenic structures. The use of heterologous antibodies may trigger adverse reactions in the host immune system. To ensure that therapeutic antibodies exhibit both enhanced efficacy and sufficient safety when administered in vivo, BioVenic provides species-specific therapeutic antibody development services, aiming to meet the specific research and therapeutic requirements of diverse animal species.

Antibody Caninization and Felinization

The administration of heterologous therapeutic antibodies to animals may lead to significant immune reactions, such as the production of anti-mouse antibodies when murine monoclonal antibodies are introduced into canines or felines. This immune response can impact the safety and therapeutic efficacy of the treatment. BioVenic offers antibody caninization and felinization services, employing techniques like chimeric antibody technology or CDR grafting. By transforming the majority of the murine antibody sequence into sequences of canine or feline origin, we aim to minimize the immunogenicity of the therapeutic antibodies while maintaining their affinity and specificity.

Services Description Procedures
Chimeric Antibody Technology Combining murine variable regions with canine or feline constant regions to generate new chimeric antibodies while retaining target binding specificity.
  • Gene Synthesis.
  • Vector Construction.
  • Expression and Purification.
  • Quality Control.
CDR Grafting Transferring the complementarity-determining region (CDR) of murine to the framework region (FR) of the canine or feline antibody.
  • Antibody Sequencing.
  • Key Amino Acid Identification.
  • CDR Grafting.
  • Back Mutation.
  • Expression and Purification.

Fig.1 A schematic diagram of antibody caninization and felinization. (BioVenic Original)

  • Antibody Affinity Assays

BioVenic offers antibody affinity assay services aimed at assessing the binding characteristics of antibodies following caninization or felinization when interacting with antigens. We employ a range of techniques to comprehensively examine the binding affinity and kinetics of the antibody-antigen complex, ensuring the suitability of the antibody for animal therapy. This service is designed to assist you in gaining a thorough understanding of the performance of therapeutic antibodies, providing reliable data support for further development and application.

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Biological Layer Interferometry (BLI)

Fully Canine and Feline Antibody Development

The residual murine components portion of hybrid antibodies may still be recognized as foreign, leading to decreased efficacy. Drawing from extensive experience in veterinary therapeutic antibody research, BioVenic has established a fully canine and feline antibody development platform to mitigate the risk of inducing immune responses in companion animals.

Platforms Description Advantages Limitations
Transgenic Mice Introducing canine or feline antibody DNA into the progenitor cells of mice, allowing mice to naturally generate complete canine or feline therapeutic antibodies in vivo.
  • Easy to recognize antigens.
  • Low immunogenicity.
  • High target binding affinity.
  • Quickly candidate antibody preparation.
  • Immune tolerance.
  • Murine antibodies exist.
  • Difficulty immunizing against toxic antigens.
Phage Display Utilizing phage display libraries derived from complete canine or feline sources, comprising billions of natural antibody variants. This approach enables the selection of target-specific antibodies for antigens without the necessity of immunizing animals.
  • Flexible gene sources.
  • No immune tolerance.
  • Long period stored.
  • Unnatural pairing of heavy and light chains.
  • Demonstration efficiency with preference.
  • Need for functional validation.
Single B Cell Single B cell technology isolates, cultures, and screens individual B cells directly after animal immunization, effectively identifies and selects the B cells that produce the desired antibody, and performs single-cell antibody sequencing to obtain the target antibody sequence.
  • Short preparation cycle.
  • Heavy chains and light chains naturally paired.
  • Direct access to antibodies to each species.
  • Fresh samples required.
  • Low percentage of antigen-specific cells.
  • Strict environmental and technical requirements.

Why Choose Us?

Our extensive experience ensures that antibodies are highly caninized or felinized while employing advanced technologies to maintain high affinity and specificity, helping to improve therapeutic efficacy and safety.

We utilize a diverse range of affinity assays to ensure that antibody candidates with optimal therapeutic potential are effectively screened during species-specific antibody development.

Using the latest technologies, our team provides comprehensive technical support from gene synthesis to antibody expression, and purification to ensure that species-specific antibodies are of high quality.

To overcome the xenogenic reactions associated with murine antibodies and enhance the safety of veterinary therapeutic antibodies, BioVenic has established a species-specific therapeutic antibody development platform, offering services for the caninization and felinization of antibodies. Additionally, we provide fully canine and feline antibody development services utilizing transgenic mice, phage display, and single B cell technology, facilitating the advancement of projects. If you have specific needs for species-specific therapeutic antibody development, please feel free to contact us immediately!

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