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Antibody Felinization

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Sequence Analysis and Selection Genetic Engineering Expression and Production In Vitro and In Vivo Testing Why Choose Us?

Antibody felinization is the process of altering monoclonal antibodies, originally derived from human or murine sources, to align with the cat immune system. This modification reduces the risk of the cat's immune system recognizing the therapeutic antibody as foreign, which can trigger immune reactions and decrease the treatment's effectiveness. By closely matching the structure of the antibody to natural feline antibodies, felinization enhances the therapeutic potential for cats. BioVenic specializes in antibody felinization services, employing advanced techniques like complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting to modify monoclonal antibodies from other species, making them compatible with the feline immune system. Our comprehensive services are designed to support the research and development of cutting-edge feline therapeutic antibodies, ensuring safety and efficacy.

One-Stop Solution of Antibody Felinization

BioVenic offers a comprehensive, one-stop solution for all your antibody felinization needs. Our services cover the entire felinization process, from initial sequence analysis to in vivo testing, ensuring customized, high-quality solutions for veterinary pharmaceutical companies and research institutions.

Fig.1 Antibody Felinization (BioVenic Original)

Sequence Analysis and Selection

The felinization process begins with a detailed consultation to understand your therapeutic goals and the target canine disease. We access the necessary antibody sequences from databases or samples you provide. Our experts then select an appropriate feline antibody framework to serve as the base for felinization, ensuring compatibility with the cat's immune system.

Genetic Engineering

CDR grafting involves transferring the CDR from the original antibody to the framework region (FR) of the feline antibody. BioVenic offers this service, utilizing CDR grafting technology for antibody felinization. Through this technique, non-conserved residues unrelated to antigen recognition are eliminated, reducing the immunogenicity of therapeutic antibodies. Simultaneously, by preserving the portions of the original antibody crucial for antigen binding, the affinity for antigen recognition is retained, ensuring the effectiveness of the antibody. Using advanced bioinformatics tools, we optimize the antibody sequence to enhance stability and binding affinity, ensuring the felinized antibody functions effectively in the feline biological environment.

Expression and Production

We proceed to the recombinant expression of the felinized antibodies using mammalian cell systems, which ensures proper folding and functionality and are critical for therapeutic efficacy. We employ advanced purification techniques to obtain high-purity felinized antibodies, designed to be both effective and safe for feline use.

In Vitro and In Vivo Testing

Our comprehensive testing services include in vitro and in vivo assessments to validate the efficacy and safety of the felinized antibodies. Binding assays confirm specificity and affinity, ensuring the antibodies target the intended disease markers effectively. Functional testing evaluates the therapeutic potential through various feline disease models. We also assess immunogenicity to ensure the antibodies do not provoke adverse immune reactions. This thorough testing process is crucial for developing safe and effective therapeutic antibodies for cats.

Why Choose Us?

Chimeric antibody preparation and CDR grafting, different antibody felinization technology for your choice.

A complete supply of upstream and downstream services, from therapeutic antibody preparation to felinization and affinity assays, makes it easy to advance the project.

Stringent quality control and detailed service process make you feel assured about our antibody felinization services.

To address the immune response triggered by therapeutic antibodies in felines, BioVenic offers antibody felinization services to enhance the safety and efficacy of therapeutic antibodies. Leveraging innovative technologies, felinized therapeutic antibodies demonstrate performance more aligned with feline physiology, reducing high-immunogenicity risk. If you require antibody felinization, feel free to reach out to us!

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