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Veterinary MEK Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Background MoA Application Therapeutic Antibody Development Services Why Choose Us?

Background of MEK

Given MEK's central role in signal transduction, it is a crucial factor in the development and progression of various companion animal cancers. Therefore, the application of therapeutic MEK antibodies in cancerous animals is being considered. BioVenic offers comprehensive veterinary MEK therapeutic antibody development services, covering the entire process of antibody development, including preparation, purification, characterization, and validation. We assist in developing high-quality veterinary MEK therapeutic antibodies and exploring their potential in treating companion animal cancers.

Background of MEK

Full Name Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
Aliases MAP2K, MAPKK.
Target Profile MEK is a key enzyme in cellular signal transduction, part of the MAPK signaling pathway. MEK specifically phosphorylates and activates ERK, thereby regulating cell growth, differentiation, proliferation, and survival.

MoA of MEK

The RAS/RAF/MEK pathway is often activated by various extracellular stimuli, growth factors, hormones, cytokines, and environmental stresses. MEK, positioned in the middle stage of the ERK signaling pathway, is activated by upstream kinases and activates ERK by adding phosphate groups to specific amino acid residues of ERK. ERK then moves into the cell nucleus, influencing the expression of specific genes involved in cell cycle regulation, differentiation, cell survival, and apoptosis. Mutations in MEK are not common in solid tumors, but when genes encoding RAS or BRAF mutate or amplify, they activate ERK signaling through MEK, making MEK an attractive target for anti-cancer drug development.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of MEK activation in cancer. (Martinelli, 2017) Fig.1 Schematic diagram of MEK activation in cancer. 1

Application in Veterinary Therapeutics

Canine prostate cancer, a malignant tumor, often presents the BRAF V595E mutation, analogous to the BRAF V600E mutation in humans. Activating BRAF mutations are considered oncogenic drivers, and blocking ERK phosphorylation could be an effective therapeutic target for tumors with BRAF mutations. Thus, using veterinary therapeutic MEK antibodies to inhibit MEK activity can modulate signaling pathways, disrupting tumor cell proliferation and survival, thereby providing an effective means to control or slow down cancer progression.

Veterinary MEK Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

Abnormal activation of MEK is often associated with malignant transformation and resistance to treatment, making MEK an attractive target for developing novel anti-cancer therapies. BioVenic offers comprehensive veterinary MEK therapeutic antibody development services, employing technologies such as hybridoma, single B cell, and phage display for antibody preparation. Our services also include antibody characterization and engineering, covering structural and functional characterization, affinity maturation, and the development of species-specific antibodies, enhancing the safety and therapeutic efficacy of antibody samples for companion animals.

Please click the link below for more information about our veterinary MEK therapeutic antibody development services.

Fig.2 A brief view of the veterinary therapeutic antibody development platform and development process. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

BioVenic's one-stop veterinary therapeutic antibody development services encompass a range of immunogens, immunization animals, antibody preparation techniques, and validation methods, customizable to individual needs.

Why Choose Us?

Considering the immunogenicity, affinity, and half-life of veterinary therapeutic antibodies, we offer antibody engineering services to enhance the potential therapeutic effect of antibody samples and reduce adverse reactions due to immunogenicity.

Why Choose Us?

Our team implements strict quality control throughout the development process of veterinary therapeutic antibodies, maintaining high purity, safety, and batch consistency of antibody samples.

MEK-mediated signaling is closely associated with the onset and progression of companion animal tumors. BioVenic offers veterinary MEK therapeutic antibody development services, providing support throughout the development process. If you have a project requirement for the development, please contact us for more information!


  1. Martinelli, Erika, et al. "Cancer resistance to therapies against the EGFR-RAS-RAF pathway: the role of MEK." Cancer treatment reviews 53 (2017): 61-69.
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