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Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics

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Background One-Stop Solution Flow Chart Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics Services Applications Platforms Why Choose Us?

Background of Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics

BioVenic specializes in designing non-targeted metabolomics solutions for animal samples. Our solutions cover a wide range of biological samples, without any bias, in order to detect as many small molecule metabolites as possible. These biological samples from animals include cells, tissues, organs, or body fluids. At the same time, we employ a multi-angle analysis of bioinformatics to identify differential metabolites and perform metabolic pathway analysis. This approach allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the status and dynamic changes in metabolic networks within animal organisms. Our service enables us to identify the relative relationship between metabolites and physiological and pathological changes among animals. Our untargeted metabolomics experimental design is not limited to specific metabolic pathways but aims to comprehensively resolve metabolic information in animal samples.

Background of Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics

The focus of animal non-targeted metabolomics is to visualize comprehensive biochemical information about metabolism in organisms. This is achieved through simultaneous qualitative analysis of almost all metabolites under a specific physiological state or specific conditions. The goal is to find and identify differential metabolites. Compared to genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics, non-targeted metabolomics offers distinct advantages in the development and validation of diagnostic markers for metabolite-related diseases, as well as in the study of metabolite-related signaling pathway mechanisms.

One-Stop Solution for Animal Non-Targeted Metabolomics

  • Sample Preparation

BioVenic has developed mature and standardized sample preparation workflows for common animal metabolomics analysis samples, such as plasma, urine, and milk. With years of practical experience and continuously optimized Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), we guarantee the integrity and stability of animal samples.

  • Metabolomics Detection

BioVenic has an advanced, comprehensive biochemical testing platform that includes nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC), and other detection technologies. According to the specific characteristics of the customer's sample, we match and design appropriate and efficient detection solutions to fully analyze the metabolite composition in the sample.

  • Data Acquisition

BioVenic independently developed digital high-throughput platform specifically for animal metabolomics data processing enables you to achieve standardized statistical analysis of complex data, while supporting personalized customized analysis modes and delivery forms.

  • Bioinformatics Analysis

BioVenic has adapted reasonable bioinformatics analysis processes to all bioinformatics analysis directions related to animal metabolomics to further visualize the data with years of project accumulation. Through cross-analysis with animal life sciences and other omics, we fully interpret the valuable information in the data and accelerate the progress of our customers' projects.

Flow Chart of Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics Analysis Service

Fig.1 Flow Chart of Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics Analysis Service. (BioVenic Original)

Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics Services

We construct metabolic databases using various biological matrices and detection systems. Based on the differences in the types of biological samples tested and the research goals, we design non-targeted metabolomics solutions for our customers. Our services are dedicated to meeting scientific research applications in metabolite identification, understanding the physiological roles of metabolites, identifying biomarkers, analyzing metabolic pathways, investigating disease mechanisms, and facilitating drug development. Our untargeted metabolomics solutions achieve high coverage of various biological sample types. Each solution has a distinct focus and is suitable for researchers with varying research goals. Our services are categorized by sample type below:


  • Animal Production and Reproduction

Non-targeted metabolomics can help in diagnosing and monitoring diseases in animals by analyzing changes in metabolic profiles associated with specific conditions. It aids in understanding the metabolic pathways involved in various diseases, thereby facilitating the development of new diagnostic methods and treatments.

  • Veterinary Research

Non-targeted metabolomics can be used to optimize livestock production by studying metabolic pathways related to growth, reproduction, and disease resistance, which can help in breeding programs to breed healthier and more productive livestock.

  • Animal Nutrition and Metabolism

Non-targeted metabolomics is used to study the effects of different diets and nutritional interventions on animal metabolism. By analyzing metabolic profiles, researchers can identify biomarkers of dietary intake and assess the metabolic response to specific nutrients.

  • Toxicology

Non-targeted metabolomics can be applied to assess the impact of environmental toxins or insect or animal-derived venoms on animal health. By analyzing metabolic changes, we can identify biomarkers of exposure and understand the mechanisms of toxicity.

Animal Non-targeted Metabolomics Platforms

Methods Features Advantages Limitations
NMR Often used for the identification and analysis of simple samples or purified samples.
Suitable for liquid samples such as blood, urine, and body fluids, as well as solid samples such as tissues and organs.
  • Allows for dynamic monitoring of the sample metabolome.
  • Determination without bias.
  • Non-destructive to samples.
  • Fast measurement speed.
  • Low resolution.
LC-MS Commonly used for targeted and non-targeted analysis of water-soluble small molecules such as amino acids, sugar alcohols, amines, organic acids, and macromolecules such as lipids.
  • High resolution.
  • Good experimental repeatability.
  • Wide range of separation and analysis.
  • Simple sample preparation and preprocessing.
  • Limited database coverage.
GC-MS Commonly used for targeted analysis of water-soluble metabolites, lipids, and organic acids.
Used to detect the metabolic flow of glycolysis, TCA cycle, and fatty acid synthesis pathways.
  • High-resolution.
  • Relatively comprehensive database.
  • Mature and stable technology.
  • Complex sample handling
  • Only for volatile compounds
  • Derivatization is required to increase volatility
HPLC-MS The most commonly used method in metabolomic research.
Analytes are retained differently depending on their affinity for the solvent or stationary phase.
Often used for structural elucidation of unknown compounds.
  • High throughput.
  • Separate almost any compound.
  • Many mature protocols available.
  • Requires relatively large amounts of solvent.
  • Memory effect.
  • Solvent effect on MS performance.
  • ESI is sensitive to solvent changes when using ESI/MS.

Why Choose Us?

Ultra-high-resolution biochemical detection and analysis platform to ensure data stability.

Standardized platform with strict quality control and standardized sample preparation process.

Highly customized experimental plans based on scientific research goals and sample types.

Rich project experience in animal non-targeted metabolomics analysis.

A comprehensive team of experts controls the entire project implementation.

BioVenic conducts non-targeted metabolomics testing on various animal tissue samples to analyze the biological information contained within them, pertaining to production performance, physiology, and pathology. It is worth noting that our data processing process supports a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the core content of the analysis report to meet your specific needs. We utilize multi-omics and digital software platforms to predict and map detection data to pathways and networks of animal physiological metabolic activities, effectively simplifying the complex task of visualizing experimental data for you. Please contact us for your exclusive non-targeted metabolomics solution.


  1. Di Minno, Alessandro, et al. "The evolving landscape of untargeted metabolomics." Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 31.6 (2021): 1645-1652.
  2. Schrimpe-Rutledge, Alexandra C., et al. "Untargeted metabolomics strategies—challenges and emerging directions." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 27.12 (2016): 1897-1905.
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