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Veterinary CD20 Therapeutic Antibody Development

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Background MoA Application Therapeutic Antibody Development Services Why Choose Us?

Targeted therapy is increasingly becoming the mainstream in the modern field of veterinary medicine, particularly in the treatment of cancers and other serious diseases in companion animals. As a popular antibody target, BioVenic offers comprehensive veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibody development services, including but not limited to veterinary therapeutic antibody preparation, screening, and engineering. Our goal is to assist you in the development of veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibodies, providing more advanced and precise treatment options for companion animals like canine and feline.

Background of CD20

Full Name Cluster of Differentiation 20
Aliases B1, Bp35, CVID5, FMC7, LEU-16, MS4A1, S7.
Target Profile CD20 is a non-glycosylated phosphoprotein located on B cells, primarily expressed from the pre-B cell to the mature B cell stages. It has been demonstrated that CD20 interacts with several other surface proteins on B cells, such as CD40, CD53, CD81, and CD82, playing a role in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes.

MoA of CD20

CD20 is a part of the B-cell receptor (BCR) complex. Upon activation of B cells, the BCR-CD20 complex dissociates, and phosphoproteins and calmodulin-binding proteins are temporarily recruited to CD20, thus participating in intracellular signal transduction. CD20 also has a role in regulating calcium ion channels, affecting the cell cycle and playing a role in the proliferation, differentiation, and even apoptosis of B cells.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of CD20's interacting molecules on the cell membrane and the regulatory mechanisms of the CD20 gene (MS4A1) in malignant B cells. (Pavlasova, 2020)Fig.1 Schematic diagram of CD20's interacting molecules on the cell membrane and the regulatory mechanisms of the CD20 gene (MS4A1) in malignant B cells.1

Application in Veterinary Therapeutics

In veterinary medicine, the application of the CD20 target is primarily focused on the treatment of B-cell diseases in companion animals such as canines and felines, particularly cancers like lymphoma. In addition, the modulation of CD20 has shown potential in the treatment of certain immune-mediated diseases. Since CD20 is expressed on normal mature B cells, anti-CD20 antibody drugs can eliminate these cells, making them potentially useful in treating animal autoimmune diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), nephrotic syndrome, and Wegener's granulomatosis. CD20 therapeutic antibodies can induce tumor killing through various mechanisms, such as directly inducing apoptosis, promoting the phagocytosis of B-cell lymphoma cells by macrophages, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), or complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).

Veterinary CD20 Therapeutic Antibody Development Services

Considering CD20 as an important research target for animal B-cell diseases, BioVenic offers services for the development of veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibodies. Utilizing technologies such as hybridoma technology, single B cell techniques, or phage display, we assist in developing high-quality veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibodies. Our development services also include antibody engineering, enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of your samples through affinity maturation, antibody modification, and so on. The development of species-specific antibodies further aids in advancing the preparation of CD20 therapeutic antibodies for different species, including canine and feline.

Please click the link below for more information on veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibody development services.

Fig.2 A brief view of the veterinary therapeutic antibody development platform and development process. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

We offer a variety of veterinary therapeutic antibody development technologies for you to choose from, paired with advanced instruments and experienced staff to assist in developing high-quality veterinary CD20 therapeutic antibodies.

Our antibody engineering services include affinity maturation and Fc engineering to enhance antibody affinity and extend the half-life of the antibody.

We provide species-specific antibody development services to improve the compatibility and efficacy of antibodies in dogs and cats, reducing safety concerns associated with immunogenicity.

As an important surface marker of B cells, CD20's expression is associated with common animal B-cell diseases such as lymphoma and autoimmune diseases. BioVenic offers services targeting CD20 to develop veterinary therapeutic antibodies. Our services cover the entire development process, meeting all your needs. If you require the development of veterinary CD19 therapeutic antibodies, please contact us immediately.


  1. Pavlasova, Gabriela, and Marek Mraz. "The regulation and function of CD20: an "enigma" of B-cell biology and targeted therapy." Haematologica 105.6 (2020): 1494.
  2. Mizuno, Takuya, et al. "Generation of a canine anti-canine CD20 antibody for canine lymphoma treatment." Scientific reports 10.1 (2020): 11476.
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