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Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen Isolation and Cultivation

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Bacterial Pathogen Isolation Services Bacterial Pathogen Cultivation Services Applications Why Choose Us?

Veterinary pathogenic bacteria are a significant focal point in the field of animal infectious disease research. The multitude of bacterial pathogens poses substantial threats to all animals. With a longstanding dedication to the field of animal health, BioVenic specializes in providing customizable veterinary bacterial pathogen isolation and cultivation services for clients. This contributes to various research endeavors encompassing biology, pathology, molecular studies, and other relevant aspects of bacterial pathogens.

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen Isolation Services

We help clients in isolating pathogenic bacteria from samples of various origins. Importantly, we choose high-throughput isolation methods based on different sample types and the growth patterns of diverse bacteria. Our bacterial isolation services, tailored to client needs, primarily include the following solid culture-based methods.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the bacterial isolation process. (Zhang, et al., 2021)Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the bacterial isolation process.1

Streak Plate Isolation

We employ both quadrant streaking and continuous streaking methods to separate various bacteria in mixed samples. This service facilitates the separation of initially mixed bacteria along streak lines on agar plates, yielding dispersed individual colonies. This helps clients obtain pure cultures of bacterial pathogens.

Slant Inoculation Isolation

We pick individual colonies or cultures using an inoculation loop, streaking a straight line from the bottom to the top of the slant agar surface. This service is mainly employed for subculturing colonies, aiding clients in obtaining pure cultures for identification and strain preservation.

Puncture Inoculation Isolation

We use an inoculation needle to pick colonies, vertically piercing the center of the agar medium to a depth of 0.4 cm from the bottom of the tube. The needle is then withdrawn along the puncture line. This method is suitable for semi-solid media or media such as double sugar iron agar and gelatin, assisting clients in observing bacterial motility.

Pour Plate Method Isolation

For liquid samples like milk, we offer pour-plate isolation services. 1 mL diluted liquid sample is added to a sterile culture dish, followed by pouring 15-20 mL of melted agar medium cooled to around 45-50℃. The mixture is then evenly cultured.

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen Cultivation Services

Following different samples and cultivation objectives, we provide clients with suitable and custom cultivation services. We offer nutrient agar, MacConkey agar, eosin-methylene blue agar, mannitol salt agar, blood agar, and other culture media suitable for various bacterial pathogens. Importantly, we can customize the media by adding vitamins, amino acids, bases, steroids, amines, and other growth factors required by bacteria based on client requirements. Based on whether bacterial growth requires oxygen, we provide the following four bacterial cultivation services.

Aerobic Cultivation

This service is tailored for aerobic bacterial pathogens or facultative anaerobic bacterial pathogens. Plates, slants, liquid media, etc., inoculated with bacteria are placed in an incubator at 35℃ in ambient air for 18-24 hours. For slow-growing bacteria, cultivation may extend to 3-7 days or even a month.

Carbon Dioxide Cultivation

Some bacteria require a 5%-10% carbon dioxide environment for growth. We use methods such as carbon dioxide incubation, candle jar cultivation, and chemical methods to provide a carbon dioxide environment for bacterial growth, assisting clients in cultivating veterinary bacterial pathogens.

Microaerophilic Cultivation

This service is designed for microaerophilic bacteria that can only grow in a gas environment containing 5%-6% oxygen, 5%-10% carbon dioxide, and 85% nitrogen. We have the capability to provide this strict cultivation environment, facilitating the normal growth of microaerophilic bacterial pathogens.

Anaerobic Cultivation

We use anaerobic jar cultivation, chemical methods, and biological methods to create a low-redox potential anaerobic environment for bacterial growth, aiding clients in successfully cultivating anaerobic bacterial pathogens.


Why Choose Us?

  • We ensure that all experimental operations are performed in a sterile environment and that all items such as petri dishes and culture tools undergo strict sterilization procedures.
  • We help customers isolate bacterial pathogens from different families, and are especially able to achieve the cultivation of veterinary pathogens that have special requirements for oxygen, temperature, growth factors, etc.
  • We primarily serve companion animals, poultry, livestock, and aquaculture animals, such as dogs, cats, equines, chickens, swine, and fish.
  • Among the many samples we isolate bacterial pathogens from are blood, urine, infection sites, environmental samples, as well as food samples.

The isolation and cultivation of veterinary bacterial pathogens is the first step in all research, including basic research on bacterial pathogens and pathogenicity research, and is of vital significance. As a professional animal disease diagnostics CRO, BioVenic has long been committed to providing customers with fully custom veterinary bacterial pathogen isolation and cultivation services. If you are interested in becoming a partner with us, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Zhang, Jingying, et al. "High-throughput cultivation and identification of bacteria from the plant root microbiota." Nature Protocols 16.2 (2021): 988-1012.
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