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Veterinary Therapeutic Antibody Phage Display Platform

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Library Construction Biopanning Why Choose Us?

Phage display technology involves the genetic engineering of foreign gene segments into phages. Phages express proteins or peptides encoded by the foreign genes, preserving their relative spatial structure and biological activity. BioVenic utilizes this technology to construct phage libraries for multiple species and employs antigen-based biopanning on these libraries. This process allows for the rapid generation of specific antibodies with high affinity to the target antigen, fulfilling therapeutic development needs across various species.

Antibody Phage Display Library Construction

BioVenic offers the construction of phage display libraries for different species, including mice, rabbits, chickens, canines and felines, in both scFv and Fab antibody fragment formats.


A single polypeptide chain composed of the variable regions of the antibody's light chain (VL) and heavy chain (VH), connected by a short and flexible peptide linker typically consisting of 10-25 amino acids. Due to their smaller size, scFv libraries are generally more genetically stable than Fab libraries.


They are composed of the entire light chain and two regions located at the N-terminus of the heavy chain, displayed on the phage coat proteins exhibit high structural stability and can be easily converted into complete IgG antibodies without compromising their binding activity.

Based on the gene source, phage libraries can be categorized into two distinct types: immune and non-immune libraries. Non-immune libraries further include naïve, semi-synthetic, and synthetic libraries. BioVenic offers construction services for all four types of phage libraries. Our naïve library has a high capacity, with up to 1010 variants, theoretically allowing the screening of particular antibodies with high affinity from this extensive resource.

Services Description
Naïve Library Constructed from lymphocytes from unimmunized healthy animals. The antibodies in this library are not biased toward any particular target and can be used to isolate antibodies against all types of antigens.
Immune Library Constructed from the antibody genes of donor B lymphocytes after immunization (including vaccination, microbial infection, tumor, etc.). Due to the selective pressure of immunization, the abundance of specific antibodies is much higher than that of other non-specific antibodies.
Semi-synthetic Library Constructed by artificially synthesizing a portion of the variable region sequence in combination with another portion of the natural sequence.
Synthetic Library The antibody variable region sequences were all synthesized.

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of phage display library construction. (BioVenic Original)Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of phage display library construction. (BioVenic Original)


Biopanning is the process of screening monoclonal antibodies with high specificity and affinity through multiple rounds of binding-washing-elution-amplification after phage display library construction. BioVenic selects different screening solutions according to the actual needs of the project, such as solid-phase screening, liquid-phase screening, and cell-based screening, providing personalized solutions to achieve ideal results. Highly enriched phages that bind specifically to the target antigen are obtained after several rounds of biopanning. The collection may contain multiple clones, BioVenic provides ELISA validation services to help pick out the positive clones.

Solid-phase Screening

The target antigen is usually immobilized on a solid surface. Antibodies from phage display libraries interact with the target antigen and can attach to the antigen-coated solid surface, and phages that do not interact with the antigen are washed away.

Liquid-phase Screening

The target antigen is dissolved in a liquid allowing free interaction between the antibody and antigen. The antibody that binds to the antigen is identified using centrifugation or filtration.

Cell-Based Screening

In MACS, target cells are initially coated with magnetic beads before being introduced into a mixture containing non-target cells. Antibodies from phage display libraries that bind specifically to the target cells are swiftly isolated with the aid of the magnetic beads.

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of biopanning screening for target antibodies using antibody phage display libraries. (Bashir, 2020)Fig.2 Schematic diagram of biopanning screening for target antibodies using antibody phage display libraries. 1

Why Choose Us?

We tailor the construction of antibody libraries to meet the unique requirements in veterinary therapeutic antibody development, accommodating different types and species.

With our well-established library construction system, we create libraries that encompass scFv and Fab formats.

BioVenic offers a comprehensive biological screening process, allowing us to design customized screening strategies based on the specific characteristics of the source material.

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are in high demand in the field of veterinary medicine. BioVenic has established the veterinary therapeutic antibody phage display platform. Our platform is compatible with multiple species, enabling antibody selection without sacrificing experimental animals' lives. If you are interested in this service, please feel free to contact us to discuss further details.


  1. Bashir, Shahbaz, and Jan Paeshuyse. "Construction of antibody phage libraries and their application in veterinary immunovirology." Antibodies 9.2 (2020): 21.
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