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Veterinary Virus Transcriptomics Services

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Virus Transcriptomics Services Workflow Applications Why Choose Us?

The widespread application of RNA sequencing technology has promoted the development of veterinary viral transcriptomics. Many veterinary researchers use transcriptomics to comprehensively study all RNA molecules produced in animal host cells during viral infection. This method reveals the expression patterns of viral genes and elucidates the interaction mechanisms between viruses and their hosts. BioVenic is committed to animal health and prides itself on providing high-quality veterinary viral transcriptomics services. Using advanced RNA sequencing technology, we help our clients gain a comprehensive understanding of viral gene expression in animals.

Featured Veterinary Virus Transcriptomics Services

The primary goal of virus transcriptomics is to identify and quantify all RNA molecules produced by a virus under specific conditions, thereby revealing the overall pattern of gene expression. We offer clients a one-stop solution for virus transcriptomics services, encompassing sample processing, RNA extraction, library construction, RNA sequencing, and data analysis. Our veterinary virus transcriptomics services are diverse and can be customized based on the clients' needs and research objectives. Below are some highlights of our specialized services.

Total RNA-Sequencing

Our total RNA-seq service sequences all RNA present in the sample, including mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, and other small RNAs. This comprehensive approach allows clients to gain a thorough understanding of all gene expression within cells under specific conditions, encompassing both viral and host genes. Beyond revealing gene expression levels, we help clients detect other information such as non-coding RNA and alternative splicing.

Virus RNA Enrichment Sequencing

In response to specific client needs for analyzing viral RNA, we offer virus RNA enrichment sequencing services. Extracting and amplifying viral RNA from complex biological samples enhances the sensitivity of detecting viral gene expression, making it easier for analysis and research. This service is beneficial for studying viral infections, and exploring the mechanisms of viral gene expression, variations, and interactions with host cells.

Virus Single-Cell RNA Sequencing

To help clients learn the cellular-level details of gene expression of veterinary viruses within individual infected cells, we have applied scRNA-seq technology to the field of veterinary virology research. This service aids clients in gaining insights into the heterogeneity and dynamic changes within individual cells during viral infections, providing new perspectives for veterinary virology and antiviral development.

Virus Time Series RNA Sequencing

To observe temporal changes in veterinary virus gene expression during the infection process and reveal dynamic features such as virus replication, spread, and immune evasion, we offer virus time series RNA sequencing services. We perform RNA sequencing on veterinary virus-infected samples collected at different time points, tracking the dynamic changes in viral gene expression.

Veterinary Virus Transcriptomics Services Workflow

Fig.1 Veterinary Virus Transcriptomics Services Workflow. (BioVenic Original)

Extract total RNA from infected tissues or cells, to ensure obtaining high-quality and intact RNA from the samples.

Utilize specific enrichment methods such as magnetic bead enrichment, differential precipitation, etc., to selectively enrich virus RNA from the total RNA pool.

Perform reverse transcription on the virus RNA, converting it into the corresponding cDNA, and construct sequencing libraries.

Conduct high-throughput sequencing on the established RNA sequencing libraries. Various sequencing platforms like Illumina, 10x Genomics, etc., can be employed.

Perform bioinformatics analysis on the sequenced data. This includes quantitative analysis of virus gene expression levels, detection of variations, and analysis of virus-host interactions.


  • Veterinary Viral Gene Expression Revealed
  • Veterinary Virus Mutation Analysis
  • Host-virus Interaction Analysis
  • Veterinary Virus Life Cycle Analysis
  • Antiviral Drug Development
  • Animal Vaccine Evaluation

Why Choose Us?

Fig.2 Comprehensive Virus and Host Range. (BioVenic Authorized)

Comprehensive Virus and Host Range

We conduct transcriptomic analysis of viral pathogens for a diverse range of animals, including livestock, companion animals, poultry, and aquaculture species.

Fig.3 Custom Services. (BioVenic Authorized)

Custom Services

We provide personalized viral transcriptome sequencing solutions based on the unique needs of customers to meet different research needs.

Fig.4 Integrated Data Analysis. (BioVenic Authorized)

Integrated Data Analysis

We deliver customers with clear and detailed analysis reports and in-depth explanations of the quantitative and differential analysis results of viral gene expression.

BioVenic's veterinary virus transcriptomics services are custom-based on customer needs and research goals. Our services help customers gain a deep understanding of the gene expression patterns of animal viruses, providing important insights for animal health research and disease prevention and control. Contact our team and let's make a deeper contribution to the field of animal health together.


  1. Al-Shalan, Huda AM, et al. "Transcriptomic Profiling of Influenza A Virus-Infected Mouse Lung at Recovery Stage Using RNA Sequencing." Viruses 15.11 (2023): 2198.
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