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Custom Animal Reporter Cell Line

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Common Reporter Gene Information Reporter Gene Knock-in Reporter Gene Overexpression Workflow of Animal Reporter Cell Line Development Why Choose Us?

Reporter genes are a general term for genes that encode proteins or enzymes that can be easily identified. They can be used to calibrate the expression regulation of target genes and screen experimental individuals for successful transformation. In research in the field of animal cytology, reporter cells have been an ideal tool for screening high-throughput RNAi, peptides, and cell libraries, enabling easy data readout of gene activation and other conditions.

BioVenic has developed animal reporter cell lines using a range of reporter genes. Additionally, we offer personalized reporter cell line construction services tailored to the specific requirements of scientific researchers.

Overview of Common Reporter Gene Information

Reporter Genes Descriptions Advantages
Green Fluorescent Protein
Emits fluorescence without cofactors or substrates
  • Low relative molecular weight
  • Fluorescence stable
  • Easy to detect
  • Harmless to live animal cells
Red Fluorescent Protein
Emits fluorescence without cofactors or substrates
  • Small relative molecular weight
  • Stable fluorescence
  • Easy to detect
  • Harmless to live animal cells
Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase
Transport-based reporter genes
  • No endogenous activity
  • Available automated ELISA method detection
  • Visible by autoradiography
  • Stability of expression product
  • Good reproducibility
Interacts with fluorescent substrates
  • Rapid detection speed
  • High sensitivity
  • No radioactive isotopes needed
  • Wide linear range
  • No endogenous expression
  • Simple assay
Membrane-anchored Cypridina Luciferase
Modified to anchor to the cell membrane
  • High sensitivity
  • Unaffected by endogenous substances
Secreted Alkaline Phos-phatase
Secreted by expressing cells into the extracellular
  • Wide linear range
  • No interference with cell detection
  • Sensitive chemiluminescent detection

Animal Reporter Cell Line Services

BioVenic excels in constructing reporter gene expression systems in animal cells to assess the expression of target genes, both in vivo and in vitro. The multiple reporter genes we use have all been fully sequenced and do not produce any endogenous expression products in animal cells. More importantly, their expression products can be visualized, supporting quantitative measurement.

BioVenic has extensive experience in designing and constructing animal knock-in cell lines, assisting customers in successfully inserting reporter genes into the genome of any animal cell. Our solutions include a diverse selection of reporter genes, both constitutive and inducible, to effectively meet your project goals. Our reporter knock-in services provide powerful scientific tools for researching the screening and identification of veterinary drugs, antibodies, cytokines, and other effectors.

BioVenic provides solution design and implementation services for the overexpression of reporter genes in animal intracellular reporter systems. By overexpressing the target gene, enhancing the fluorescence signal, and amplifying the enzymatic reaction, we have significantly enhanced the sensitivity of the reporter system. This improvement has resulted in a high signal-to-background ratio, fully meeting the experimental requirements of scientific researchers.

Workflow of Animal Reporter Cell Line Development

Fig.2 Animal Reporter Cell Line Development Workflow. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

Our platform helps construct mature and stable cell lines and offers a high degree of flexibility in selecting and combining experimental protocols.

Fully meet diversified research goals such as locating genes, monitoring gene expression, and conducting high-throughput screening.

No screening antibiotics are necessary for maintenance because the reporter gene remains stable for an extended period and can be passed down through many generations.

Solutions encompass a range of reporting systems in animal cells to guarantee high expression levels of reporter genes.

BioVenic specializes in in vitro luminescence measurement of animal cells by offering customized services for the development of animal reporter cell lines. At the same time, with the assistance of the gene editing platform, reporter genes are inserted into the genome to enable in vivo bioluminescence imaging of living animals. We have expertise in a range of reporter genes and reporting systems suitable for animal cells, various cell transfection methods, and cutting-edge animal genome editing technology. We are dedicated to offering customers high-quality and efficient one-stop solutions. Please feel free to contact us and let us be your dependable scientific research partner.

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