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Veterinary Virus De Novo Sequencing

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Virus De Novo Sequencing Services Workflow Bioinformatics Analysis Why Choose Us?

The number of viruses causing animal diseases is increasing, yet researchers have limited understanding, and the majority of veterinary viral pathogens remain unidentified and uncharacterized. In the field of animal health, unraveling veterinary viruses at the nucleic acid level has become a focal point of research. De novo sequencing of unknown veterinary viruses is a prerequisite for the diagnosis, monitoring, prevention, and treatment of animal infectious diseases. BioVenic is an expert in the field of animal health, specializing in utilizing de novo sequencing to assist clients in obtaining the complete nucleotide sequences of veterinary viral pathogens that are unknown.

Featured Veterinary Virus De Novo Sequencing Services

Viruses are broadly categorized into DNA viruses and RNA viruses, both of which are common pathogens in animals. The majority of these viruses remain inadequately researched, hindering specific genetic information analysis. In the absence of a reference genome, we help clients perform de novo sequencing of all viruses that cause animal disease, including both DNA and RNA viruses. Our featured services are primarily showcased below.

Viral DNA & RNA Extraction and Purification

We select appropriate extraction kits, reagents, and instruments based on customer requirements and the characteristics of the viral genome to extract and purify DNA or RNA. For RNA viruses, RNA stabilizing reagents and DNase are measures we use to stabilize RNA and prevent DNA contamination. Various sample types, including tissues, blood, and other body fluids from companion animals, livestock, poultry, etc., fall within our capability.

Library Preparation and Sequencing

Library preparation and sequencing are crucial steps in the analysis of viral DNA or RNA genomes. We choose suitable sequencing platforms and library preparation methods based on factors such as desired read length, coverage, and specific research goals. It's important to note that we offer short-read, high-throughput sequencing (HTS), and long-read options, and utilize platforms like Illumina, PacBio, and Nanopore, among others.

Genomic Sequence Completion

De novo sequencing may not always provide a completely continuous and error-free representation of the entire genome. Gaps or errors may occur due to limitations in sequencing technology, repetitive regions in the genome, and the complexity of certain genome structures. Our genomic sequence completion service for clients involves filling gaps in the genome sequence or completing missing portions. Methods such as gap filling, Sanger sequencing, PCR amplification, hybrid assembly, iterative assembly, bioinformatics tools, and algorithms are employed to fulfill this service for our clients.

Veterinary Virus De Novo Sequencing Workflow

Fig.1 Veterinary virus de novo sequencing workflow (BioVenic Original)

Bioinformatics Analysis

We offer comprehensive bioinformatics analysis services, including veterinary virus gene annotation, metabolic pathway annotation, and more. Importantly, we tailor our analysis services to meet the specific needs of our clients, ensuring a customized approach based on their requirements.

Fig.2 Veterinary virus de novo sequencing bioinformatics analysis (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

  • Through measures such as RNA stabilization and genomic sequence completion, we provide clients with authentic and accurate de novo sequencing services for veterinary viruses.
  • Our de novo sequencing services essentially meet all client requirements regarding sequence read types, sequencing technology platforms, and more.
  • We ensure to obtain nucleotide sequences of unknown veterinary viruses in companion animals, livestock, aquaculture animals, and other animals for our clients.

De novo sequencing is the initial step in obtaining genetic information about unknown veterinary viruses, facilitating subsequent research such as gene functional analysis and genetic evolution analysis. With extensive experience in veterinary virus de novo sequencing services, BioVenic offers clients a one-stop service from sample preparation to bioinformatics analysis. If you are seeking the complete genome sequence of unknown veterinary viruses, feel free to contact us for assistance.


  1. Saud, Zack., et al. "Nanopore sequencing and de novo assembly of a misidentified camelpox vaccine reveals putative epigenetic modifications and alternate protein signal peptides." Scientific Reports 11.1 (2021): 17758.
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