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Animal Cofactor and Vitamin Metabolomics Analysis

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Background Services Flow Chart Why Choose Us?

BioVenic utilizes an advanced targeted biochemical detection platform to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of vitamins and cofactors in animal samples. By offering metabolomics solutions for vitamins, cofactors, and their analogs, we provide a valuable tool for researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of these small molecule metabolites and investigate their impact on animal growth and development, health, and disease, as well as nutrition and metabolism.

Fig.1 Overview of the Metabolism of Vitamin B12 in Organisms. (Vincenti, et al., 2021)Fig.1 Overview of the Metabolism of Vitamin B12 in Organisms. 1


Vitamins are a type of trace organic substances that are essential for animals to maintain normal life activities and physiological functions. Among them, fat-soluble vitamins are directly involved in metabolic regulation, while water-soluble vitamins regulate metabolism by converting into coenzymes. Cofactors refer to specific compounds that bind with small organic molecules and enzyme proteins, working together to carry out catalytic functions. Both play important roles in animal growth, metabolism, and development.

Vitamins Cofactor (Vitamin-like)
Fat Soluble Vitamins 1-OH vitamin D2
1-OH vitamin D3
4-Aminobenzoic acid (Vitamin B-like compound)
Choline (Vitamin B-like)
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Lipoic acid (Vitamin B-like compound)
Pyridoxal (Vitamin B6)
Pyridoxal phosphate (Vitamin B6)
Pyridoxamine (Vitamin B6)
Retinal (Vitamin A)
Retinoic acid (Vitamin A)
Riboflavin 5'-monophosphate (Vitamin B2 phosphate)
Thiamine monophosphate (Vitamin B1)
Thiamine pyrophosphate (Vitamin B1)
α-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
α-Tocotrienol (Vitamin E)
β-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
β-Tocotrienol (Vitamin E)
γ-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
γ-Tocotrienol (Vitamin E)
δ-Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
δ-Tocotrienol (Vitamin E)
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin D2
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone)
Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone)
Water Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3-amide (Niacinamide)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamins)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Animal Cofactor and Vitamin Metabolomics Services

BioVenic utilizes suitable methods for detecting and quantifying small molecule metabolites, such as vitamins and cofactors, based on their specific chemical properties and molecular structures. In our animal vitamin and cofactor metabolomics analysis services, we ensure the accuracy, efficiency, and reproducibility of the detection and quantification process by utilizing various detection solutions, including LC-MS, UPLC-MRM/MS, RPLC, and ESI-MS.

  • Animal Vitamin Metabolomics Analysis
    Targeted metabolic quantitative analysis divides vitamins in animals into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. According to the specific experimental requirements of the customer, our expert team designs and delivers a complete project implementation plan after determining the biochemical properties and structural characteristics of the small molecule metabolites.
    • Water-soluble vitamins all contain nitrogen in their chemical structures and have high solubility in water. They are primarily quantified by combining mass spectrometry after characterization. Assessment of fat-soluble vitamins is crucial because deficiencies as well as excessive intake of these essential micronutrients can have significant health implications.
    • Fat-soluble vitamins exist in trace amounts in organisms, and their intracellular concentrations vary significantly. Monitoring the concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins in blood samples and other biological fluids supports scientific research related to disease monitoring and the development of treatments. We are committed to enabling our customers to overcome methodological challenges in quantifying lipid solubility. With the independently developed and perfected simplified, efficient, and accurate lipid vitamin detection process, its content can be specifically determined.
  • Animal Cofactor Metabolomics Analysis
    BioVenic's cofactor metabolism analysis service focuses on the quantification of small organic compounds that are not vitamins but play important functions in the form of derivatives. Our cofactor analysis service also examines the role of coenzymes, which play a crucial role in various metabolic pathways, including energy production and DNA synthesis, in animal life activities. By offering personalized solutions for targeted metabolomics analysis, we provide researchers with powerful and efficient high-throughput quantification tools for scientific research projects that investigate animal physiological functions or metabolic pathways that are strictly regulated and influenced by cofactors.

Flow Chart of Animal Targeted Metabolomics Service

Fig.2 Flow Chart of Animal Targeted Metabolomics Analysis Service. (BioVenic Original)

Why Choose Us?

An integrated system for the isolation, characterization, identification and quantification of vitamins and cofactors in animal samples.

A comprehensive technology platform for the detection of small molecule metabolites with high reproducibility and high sensitivity.

One-stop reliable, efficient, and professional vitamin and cofactor targeted metabolomics solution.

BioVenic addresses both qualitative and quantitative issues related to vitamins and cofactors in metabolic samples. We provide solutions for researchers conducting studies on animal physiology and metabolism. We have finalized a standardized workflow for the targeted metabolomics detection of animal samples through multiple rounds of optimization. Laboratory personnel with extensive practical experience in the project utilize mass spectrometry and other technologies, in conjunction with standard comparison methods, to accurately quantify the target metabolic molecules. Based on the data and test results, along with the high-throughput bioinformatics data analysis platform and the expertise of our animal metabolomics team, we have successfully completed a project report that is comprehensive, detailed, and tailored to meet the needs of our customers. If you are considering using metabolomics as a tool to advance your scientific research project, please contact us to learn more about our services.


  1. Vincenti, Alessandra, et al. "Perspective: Practical approach to preventing subclinical b12 deficiency in elderly population." Nutrients 13.6 (2021): 1913.
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