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Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen SNP Genotyping

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Bacterial Pathogen SNP Service Workflow Applications Our Advantages

BioVenic specializes in providing cutting-edge bacterial Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping services tailored specifically for veterinary pathogens and the study of animal antimicrobial resistance and pathogenesis of animal infectious diseases. Our expertise lies in unraveling the genetic variations within bacterial populations, offering insights into pathogens related research among animals.

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen SNP Service

BioVenic specializes in both targeted sequencing and de novo sequencing of veterinary bacterial pathogens. Our advanced technique involves sequencing the targeted genome or untargeted genome of bacterial isolates with or without reference genomes. By providing accurate and comprehensive genomic data, our service enables researchers to unravel the genetic mysteries of veterinary bacterial pathogens, aiding in the development of targeted interventions and treatments.

Bacterial DNA Extraction

Our service begins with bacterial DNA extraction from veterinary pathogen isolates. Using customized sample collection and preparation methods, we ensure the extraction of high-quality DNA while minimizing contamination. This crucial step lays the foundation for accurate and reliable genomic analysis.

Library Construction

Following DNA extraction, we conduct library construction to prepare the samples for whole genome sequencing. Our experienced team utilizes advanced library preparation protocols to ensure optimal sequencing results. By preparing the DNA libraries, we facilitate the generation of high-fidelity sequencing data.

Data Analysis

We provide comprehensive data analysis and interpretation services, including variant calling, allele frequency determination, and comparative genomics analysis, to help you derive meaningful insights from your genotyping data.

High-Throughput Bacterial SNP Genotyping

We perform comprehensive analysis of bacterial genomes to identify SNPs that can be crucial for understanding bacterial evolution, virulence, antibiotic resistance, and other phenotypic traits. Our service offers custom SNP genotyping assays tailored to your specific research requirements. Whether you need to genotype a single SNP or multiple SNPs across bacterial strains, we have the expertise to deliver accurate results. With our high-throughput genotyping capabilities, we can efficiently analyze large numbers of bacterial samples, enabling rapid screening and analysis for research projects of any scale.

Fig.1 Data analysis of bacterial pathogens using SNP genotyping. (BioVenic Original)

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen SNP Genotyping Workflow

Our efficient workflow guarantees smooth execution at every stage, from preparing samples to analyzing data. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and stringent quality control, we provide our clients with precise and dependable results.

Fig.2 Veterinary bacterial pathogen SNP genotyping workflow. (BioVenic Original)


Our bacterial SNP genotyping service has diverse applications in the field of veterinary research, including:

  • Veterinary Bacterial Characterization
    We utilize state-of-the-art sequencing technologies to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within bacterial genomes. This high-resolution genotyping approach enables precise characterization of genetic diversity among bacterial isolates.
  • Antimicrobial Resistance Profiling
    Our service includes comprehensive analysis of genes associated with antimicrobial resistance, providing insights into the susceptibility of bacterial strains to various antibiotics commonly used in veterinary medicine.
  • Pathogen Epidemiology Studies
    Through genotyping of bacterial isolates from different geographical locations and animal species, we contribute to epidemiological studies aimed at tracking the spread of veterinary pathogens and identifying emerging threats.
  • Veterinary Vaccine Development
    Through SNP genotyping, we identify genetic markers and virulence factors that can serve as potential vaccine targets. This ensures that the vaccines developed are effective against a wide range of bacterial strains.
  • Customized Data Analysis
    We offer tailored data analysis solutions to suit the specific research needs of our clients, including phylogenetic analysis, population structure assessment, and identification of virulence factors.
  • More…

Our Advantages

  • Specialization in Veterinary Pathogens
    We understand the unique challenges posed by bacterial infections in animals. Our focus on veterinary pathogens ensures that our genotyping service is optimized for studying bacterial strains relevant to animal health.
  • Comprehensive Antimicrobial Resistance Analysis
    With the rise of antimicrobial resistance posing a significant threat to animal health, our genotyping service includes detailed analysis of genetic markers associated with antimicrobial resistance. This information is invaluable for guiding treatment strategies and combatting resistance in veterinary medicine.
  • Insights into Pathogen Pathogenesis
    By uncovering the genetic variations among bacterial strains, our genotyping service facilitates a deeper understanding of pathogen pathogenesis in animals. This knowledge can inform the development of effective preventive measures and treatment protocols.

Enhance your veterinary AMR and bacterial infection pathogenesis research as well as veterinary vaccine development with BioVenic's specialized bacterial SNP genotyping service. Contact us to learn more about our veterinary bacterial pathogen SNP genotyping service and learn how we can support your efforts in understanding and combating bacterial infections in animals.

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