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Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen Whole Genome Sequencing

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Bacterial Pathogen WGS Service Workflow Applications Our Advantages

BioVenic offers tailored whole genome sequencing (WGS) and analysis services for veterinary pathogen isolates. Our comprehensive suite of services includes DNA extraction, library preparation, next-generation sequencing (NGS), and bioinformatic analysis. With a focus on precision and accuracy, we empower researchers to gain unprecedented insights into the genomic makeup of bacterial pathogens affecting veterinary health.

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen WGS Service

BioVenic specializes in both targeted sequencing and de novo sequencing of veterinary bacterial pathogens. Our advanced technique involves sequencing the targeted genome or untargeted genome of bacterial isolates with or without reference genomes. By providing accurate and comprehensive genomic data, our service enables researchers to unravel the genetic mysteries of veterinary bacterial pathogens, aiding in the development of targeted interventions and treatments.

Bacterial DNA Extraction

Our service begins with bacterial DNA extraction from veterinary pathogen isolates. Using customized sample collection and preparation methods, we ensure the extraction of high-quality DNA while minimizing contamination. This crucial step lays the foundation for accurate and reliable genomic analysis.

Library Construction

Following DNA extraction, we conduct library construction to prepare the samples for whole genome sequencing. Our experienced team utilizes advanced library preparation protocols to ensure optimal sequencing results. By preparing the DNA libraries, we facilitate the generation of high-fidelity sequencing data.

Whole Genome Sequencing

BioVenic employs cutting-edge next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms to perform whole genome sequencing of veterinary pathogen isolates. Our whole genome sequencing service enables us to capture the complete genetic information of bacterial genomes with accuracy and resolution with or without reference genome.

Data Analysis

Our comprehensive data analysis pipeline includes raw data processing, data QC, genome assembly to reconstruct the complete bacterial genome, strain identification, bacterial SNP analysis and phylogenetic tree construction, taxonomic classification and functional annotation (AMR, MLST, ANI, etc.). We offer custom bioinformatics analysis available upon request to address specific veterinary research questions and requirements.

Fig.1 Data analysis of bacterial pathogens using whole genome sequencing. (BioVenic Original)

Veterinary Bacterial Pathogen WGS Workflow

Our streamlined workflow ensures seamless execution of each step, from sample preparation to data analysis. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous quality control measures, we deliver accurate and reliable results to our clients.

Fig.2 Veterinary bacterial pathogen whole genome sequencing workflow. (BioVenic Original)


Our WGS service has diverse applications in the field of veterinary research, including:

  • Animal pathogenic bacterial molecular markers discovery.
  • Unambiguous bacterial pathogen taxonomic classification, strain relatedness, functional characterization.
  • Veterinary epidemiology and transmission.
  • Animal agricultural and environmental research.
  • More…

Our Advantages

  • Accurate and rapid identification of bacterial genome.
  • Unprecedented insight into strain-relatedness, pathogenesis, and functional characteristics.
  • In-depth understanding of bacterial genome complexity and diversity.
  • Vast potential applications for WGS of isolates in veterinary fields.
  • Integration of advanced DNA extraction and sequencing tools.
  • Access to powerful insights through our in-house bioinformatics platform.

BioVenic is committed to providing cutting-edge targeted whole sequencing and de novo sequencing solution for veterinary bacterial pathogens to advance veterinary research and improve animal health outcomes. With our expertise and innovative technology platforms, we empower veterinary researchers to unlock the full potential of bacterial genome sequencing and develop veterinary IVD, vaccines and treatments. If you intend to learn more about our bacterial pathogen WGS services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help and provide any information you need.

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